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Endless Legend
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ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!

Symbiosis Achievements

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5 years ago
Feb 13, 2019, 2:29:35 AM

As an achievement hunter I have to say I'm not happy with the Mykara Achievements. 

Many are fine (not really fun, but at least reasonably doable), but there are a few that are just a grind and are set way too high.

For Sporetastic

1,000 blooms is just way to many. In a reasonable game as the Mykara 100-200 blooms is achieveable, but it takes a lot of effort. So to get that achievement I'm going to have to play at least 5 full games (probably more) as the Mykara or cheese it, that's a lot of hours with just the Mykara. It woudn't be so bad if i could make blooms as any other faction, but since only the Mykara can make blooms this achievement is just a grindy pain and will be a lot harder to cheese once the bug with the Sisters of Mercy Hero allowing unlimited blooms gets fixed.

The Exterminator

1,000 lice is a lot of lice and most games there just aren't that many lice spawn. I've played a few games with Symbiosis now and I only have 175. In a normal game it seems I can only kill a few dozen. So to get to 1,000 will just take way too many games, without a reasonable way to cheese this one.

Shake your Foundations

1,000,000 damage...really. This number is so insanely high that I reported this as a bug. Urkins seem to do about 100 fortificaiton damage per turn so if you have all 3 urkins out sieging (usually a waste of time) it will take 3,333 turns of doing siege damage to get this achievement. That's absolutly nuts.

In addition to the problems with both The Exterminator and Shake your Foundations you can't really get both of those achievements at the same time because if you own all the Urkins you have no chance to kill lice.

As someone who had 100% of the achievemnts before this release having 2 achievments in this DLC that are basically impossible is a real bummer. Hopefully these get fixed.

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