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Quest page softlock

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6 years ago
May 25, 2019, 4:07:53 AM

I was playing Ardent Mages and was ten turns from certain victory, in a great position to go to war with my neighbor on my first game ever when I decided to stop conquering fortresses like mad, and instead complete quests to tame them.  My empire, after all, was larger than any other by a hefty margin, and had among the largest military in the land.  I had my greatest general preparing the land on another continent for my settler, and then ran into a problem.  A quest I had recieved from a formorian stronghold requiring me to produce twenty food in the capital for three turns, with possible following objectives, ticked over.  The quests pannel also opened without any imput to do so.  The quests pannel scaled to the scale the popup should have been, while the popup scaled to fit the screen size it thought the screen now was, and neither the rewards appeared on the tab, nor the buttons on the bottom to close, minimize, or otherwise disbatch of the popup.  This left me staring at a sister of mercy until my slow computer eventually caught up enough to close Endless Legends.  I am uncertain why the game crashed, and at this point, due to the lag I have waited through an entire year, combined with the constant annoying sounds and gritty characters and slightly annoying flavour text, I am content to never open it again.  I assume I can get around this softlock by loading a save which allows me to conquer the stronghold and fail the quest, or loading an older save and killing the Formorians where they stand without getting the quest.  Or just getting a different quest.  Between the long loading times I am not content to wait through, and the possibility that it won't work at all, I have little desire to try all of these.

Also: your box to post is longer than the space it is supposed to fill, so I have no idea which button is the one to post.  I guessed wrong once already.  Let's find out if the red button is the right button.  An error just occurred.

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6 years ago
May 27, 2019, 8:10:32 AM

Do you have any saves that could help us look into this?

For the issue with posting, were you using mobile or desktop, and which browser?

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