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Quests Involving Empire Plans

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8 years ago
Oct 16, 2016, 2:41:04 AM

I was wondering if someone can tell me how to complete a quest that requires me to raise a specific branch of the Empire Plan to one level higher than previously, if I've already had it at maximum?  Does this mean lower it for one cycle and then raise it, or can the quest not be completed once you've set that part of the plan to level 4?  Thanks for your help!

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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 8:07:26 PM

I'm somewhat new to the game myself, but from my experience, 4th era is the highest you can get. If the quest requires you to get to 2nd era while you are already at 4th (max), I'm not sure to be honest. What you can do is save the game at the turn before the plan changes, then pass next 2 turns quickly to see if it changes. If it doesn't, then reload and try to drop it to 2nd era and test again.

If you are at 2nd era and the quest requires you to be at 4th era then there's no way other than unlocking the tiers one by one...

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8 years ago
Nov 6, 2016, 11:52:58 AM
Elrohir525 wrote:

I was wondering if someone can tell me how to complete a quest that requires me to raise a specific branch of the Empire Plan to one level higher than previously, if I've already had it at maximum?  Does this mean lower it for one cycle and then raise it, or can the quest not be completed once you've set that part of the plan to level 4?  Thanks for your help!

I would assume that you need to lower the respective branch for a cycle, then increase it again.

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