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Crash on map creation (0.6.1 Drakken Upate)

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10 years ago
Aug 23, 2014, 8:32:12 PM
Got the following crash when I tried to start a huge game with me playing as Drakken

ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

Parameter name: value


Faction.Decode (System.String value)

Game+c__Iterator1D3.MoveNext ()

Amplitude.Coroutine.Run ()

Amplitude.Coroutine+c__Iterator94.MoveNext ()

Rethrow as GameException: The game creation has failed.

GameServerState_LaunchGame.GameService_CreateGameComplete (System.Object sender, Amplitude.Unity.Game.CreateGameCompleteEventArgs e)

Amplitude.Unity.Game.GameManager.OnCreateGameComplete (Amplitude.Unity.Game.CreateGameCompleteEventArgs e)

Amplitude.Unity.Game.GameManager.CreateGameAsync_CoroutineExceptionHandler (System.Object sender, Amplitude.CoroutineExceptionEventArgs args)

Amplitude.Coroutine+c__Iterator94.MoveNext ()


V0.6.1 S3 BETA (64-bit)

This happens every time I try those settings (haven't tried other settings yet, no time)
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