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[0.7.4] Crash when queuing building during end turn in MP.

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10 years ago
Sep 17, 2014, 11:42:52 PM
This bug is only capable of occurring during MP since it requires you to be interacting with the city while the last MP player to end turn ends their turn.

In this particular case, I was playing with my friend vs 4 AI. I had clicked end turn and the UI indicated "Waiting for other players". While waiting for my friend to end her turn, I inspected a city. While in the city view, my friend ended her turn and the turn UI indicated "Computing turn". At close to the exact same time, I clicked on an icon in the city region view for a unexploited spice extractor to put it in my construction queue. Note in this case, I clicked on the circular resource icon that pops up in the city region view (I did not select it from the available building list).

Immediately after clicking that icon, the game crashed. I've attached the Diagnostics log for the session that crashed.

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10 years ago
Sep 18, 2014, 10:34:45 AM
Hello there,

We have been able to reproduce the issue and for now the building queue will be locked during turn computation in order to avoid further problem.

Thanks for the report and diagnostics files.

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