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End Turn Won't Process -- Auriga Map Roving Clans Turn 173

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4 years ago
May 16, 2021, 2:39:41 PM

Hey Amplitude Folks,

Been playing as the Roving Clans on the new Auriga map and I've come to a dead end. When Ending my 173rd turn, the game doesn't seem to register that I've ended my turn and the icon will just spin indefinitely. I don't get any error prompts, but I could leave my game up all day and the turn will still be processing. I'm using the most recent version of the game and have attached a save file. I'd love to recover this game if possible, I've sunk a lot of time into it!

Thanks so much you guys!

Roving Clans - Turn 173.sav

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4 years ago
May 16, 2021, 9:05:36 PM

Perhaps worth a shot to test the ELCP (Endless Legend Community Patch) to be found in modding area this forum. Not sure so far, if it will fix the pending turn bug.

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