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Going to purchase but I have a ton of questions...

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9 years ago
May 28, 2016, 10:09:04 PM
First off I watched a fan review and this game looks great! Me and my wife are getting a little burnt out of Civ V, so I started looking for alternatives. I have quite a few questions before we purchase.

Is there a LAN option? I read mentions of it being considered quite a few years ago, but no solid response.

If not will we be able to play one another if in the same residence?

What multi player options are there?

How do they differ from the campaign?

Do any of the DLCs, and Expansion packs effect multi player? and in what way?

Thank you for any and all help in advance, I'm very much looking forward to playing.
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9 years ago
May 29, 2016, 9:04:04 AM
I'll try and answer to the best of my knowledge

Aries8 wrote:
Is there a LAN option? I read mentions of it being considered quite a few years ago, but no solid response.


Aries8 wrote:
If not will we be able to play one another if in the same residence?

Yes, by creating a private game visible to members of your Steam friends' list. You can also invite whomever you want to your game session.

Aries8 wrote:
What multi player options are there?

Private multiplayer and public multiplayer.

Aries8 wrote:
How do they differ from the campaign?

Each EL game is a "campaign", where you pursuit your faction quest among other quests.

Aries8 wrote:
Do any of the DLCs, and Expansion packs effect multi player? and in what way?

Yes. It's easiest if you take a look at thye descriptions of each DLC :

- Guardians : legendary deeds and buildings, guardian creatures

- Shadows : new faction, new espionage mechanics

- Shifters : new faction, new winter mechanics

- Lost Tales : 23 new quests

- Echoes : new music. It only affects multiplayer indirectly - by listening to FlyByNo's great tracks, you're in a better mood thus have greater chances of crushing your opponent :))

Note : AFAIK, only one of you need to have the DLCs installed, the other players in a multiplayer game will automatically "benefit" from the host's DLCs. This is by no means a suggestion that you shouldn't get the DLCs for both yourself and your wife ^^
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9 years ago
May 30, 2016, 7:57:56 AM
As also a player of Civ V, I can recommend this game too. You will find a lot of different things and mechanics (more even if you have the Brave new world expansion), starting by the lore. But I can assure is as challenging and fun, or even more, than Civ.

My girlfriend bought the new one in space from firaxis, but after she tried Endless Legend, she changed to this one, so now we play, me from my desktop PC, and she from her laptop, booth in the same Internet conecction, but not LAN game.

So if you have more questions, I can tell you more, since we are in a simmilar case.
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