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Looking for Players for a Big Game. (Max 6 people)

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7 years ago
Aug 2, 2018, 11:34:09 AM

Steam Forum Post: https://steamcommunity.com/app/289130/discussions/0/1739964766311555734/

Looking for Players, Anyone who enjoys a Non-competitive experience and to overall have fun with beginners and semi experienced players who want to learn the game, If not even Veterans that wanna help. However, to respect the beginners such as myself, perhaps more people that are beginners would be fair. Make sure to read through the details, that's important.

The Details:

- Personal Level of experience with the game (Beginner, experienced, veteran)

Beginner, Definitely. I am not very good at the game.

- Period of week available & time zone (Wednesday nights, week-ends, etc. US East Coast, Western Europe, Eastern Asia, etc)

I will be the host and I am from Sweden. Keep that in mind as US people might not wanna join for desync and delay purposes. I will try to host the game at this SATURDAY or SUNDAY (August the 4th, or 5th).

- Languages spoken

English prematurely. Make sure you have some understanding in english and can perhaps even speak it if you wanna join discord.

[EDIT]: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sM8TkJ

- Type of play desired (competitive, cooperative, both)

For the best experience, non competitive attitudes. Many, including myself, are rough beginners and will obviously get stomped by experienced players. To show respect for them, A chill attitude would be desired. But I am not too demanding.

- How many people you'd like to play with?

I have guarenteed 2 already (that includes myself) so 2-3-4 more people are desired.

- Which expansions you own (Guardians, Shadows, Shifters, Lost Tales). Remember that if you join somebody's game and they have the expansions, you can play with them too!

I have Everything, even Inferno to enjoy for people who didn't buy the DLC :)

- Anything else you think you would like your fellow players to know! 

Overall, just have fun in a mature manner! But it's important you are from Europe (to reduce desync and delays) and can communicate in English.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2018, 3:08:18 AM

After a long hiatus I'm fairly rusty myself, though while I'd consider myself experienced even when I was playing, I never saw me as quite the experienced player, atleast not with other players. Most of my experience came from Serious or Impossible AI.

Either way, I'm interested! If only for a relaxing game to get a feel of it again in multiplayer and not worry too much about being competitive. But even if I'd end up underestimating myself and rocked ahead, I'm willing to bring myself down a notch to avoid stomping and instead help anyone out.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2018, 2:39:18 PM
TheNumi wrote:

After a long hiatus I'm fairly rusty myself, though while I'd consider myself experienced even when I was playing, I never saw me as quite the experienced player, atleast not with other players. Most of my experience came from Serious or Impossible AI.

Either way, I'm interested! If only for a relaxing game to get a feel of it again in multiplayer and not worry too much about being competitive. But even if I'd end up underestimating myself and rocked ahead, I'm willing to bring myself down a notch to avoid stomping and instead help anyone out.

Sure! Join the discord :D You're welcome!

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7 years ago
Aug 6, 2018, 6:17:08 PM
TheNumi wrote:

Tried to join but I'm guessing the link has expired.

Sorry for the delay! Here's a new link! https://discord.gg/sqE7uF

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