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Market place strategies?

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6 years ago
Sep 7, 2018, 10:02:18 AM

Hi all

I got to thinking about the market place and how a stock market works and the whole buy low sell high but I don't think this is entirely an option in EL since you can only buy in increments of 10.

So I was wondering what stratergies people use to control the market or use the market for leverage over other players.  I know this would be easier as Roving clans since they see all market transactions and have access from the start but I was wondering what people do in thier use of the market place.

A few ideas I had was if I spy on an enemy (as I think this gives you access to their market transactions correct me if I am wrong) and I notice they are buying a lot of Titanium then if my money is good I could try to buy out all the titanium and then sell it back to them at a higher price.  Or if they are using it for units horde it so they can't use it.

Also and this is an obviouse one and RC sepecific but if you see someone using the market a lot you can just ban them and demand X or Y to remove the ban.

So any ideas?

Also do the roving clans get a cut of sales between players or is it just market place transactions e.g. if a player sold 30 Adamantium for 600 dust to another player via diplomacy.

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