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Who's up for a non quitter, long, friday game?

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10 years ago
Oct 10, 2014, 4:37:42 PM
Hosted now. Called: NO QUITTERS GAME. We wait for 6 players.

Will take some time to fill up I guess.
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10 years ago
Oct 17, 2014, 8:27:40 PM
Lets play a MP game today, Johan and I tried one earlier but could not get enough people togeather. Lets say around 6 EST ? message Rook 1 or Johan for details.
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10 years ago
Oct 18, 2014, 6:23:01 PM
Hello, Rook!

I recently jumped into EL. I am looking forward to competing in some MP with you guys (in time, of course). Curious to see if you recorded yesterday's match? I'd very much like to watch it if anyone did!
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10 years ago
Oct 18, 2014, 7:34:14 PM
RelicOfThought wrote:
Hello, Rook!

I recently jumped into EL. I am looking forward to competing in some MP with you guys (in time, of course). Curious to see if you recorded yesterday's match? I'd very much like to watch it if anyone did!

Greetings Relic,

Actually we never were able to get a game together yesterday, and I am still down to play one today if there are enough people interested. About the recording of the games, I do not record or stream any of my games so I will not be of any service there, you will have to rely on PrimEvilCIV for one in that department. Glad to see that you are eager to join the matches, we are always in need of more players that can actually stick around for the remainder of the game, so welcome smiley: smile
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