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Ugh...how do you do this?

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10 years ago
Oct 24, 2014, 12:10:18 AM
Maybe I just got unlucky, but my second time hosting a MP game was a disaster. Players were Constantly being dropped, out of sync, game bugs with people not being able to finish battles or interact with map...

How do you ever finish a game. Everyone was done by turn 10, I kept playing after they left only to have the game crash 30 turns later.

I love this game, I'm willing to deal witH the bugs and crashes in single player for now as it seems the devs are hard at work to polish it...

But if that is a typical MP experience as the game stands 1.08, I think I will wait.

If I just had a bad game, or maybe the issue is me hosting then perhaps I'll try again.
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10 years ago
Oct 24, 2014, 2:34:17 AM
Just a couple points:

  • If you are host and you get a desync notification, you should click resync immediately, continuing often leads to errors down the road.
  • Look for high-ping players. They usually cause problems.
  • Use timers and recommended setting ( see /#/endless-legend/forum/14-multiplayers/thread/5460-tips-for-enjoying-endless-legend-multiplayer ) . Specifically big maps are an issue.
  • Finally, Enable "Dump mode Text" in the settings and dump reports and upload for Amplitude to look at.
  • If you consistently have issues as host, it's probably something with your internet/computer that the game doesn't like. Join other games.

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10 years ago
Dec 31, 2014, 2:19:01 PM
some other ideas on hosting:

1) Save the game every 5 to 10 turns and tell the other players if the game crashes that you will restart the game from a saved point.

2) Usually a host should let all the other players end their turn first before ending his turn, this generally helps to prevent game crashes and such.

3) If a player should go out of sinc you should pull up a saved game and go from there.

4) Have all players validate their files, updates may have occurred and not everyone has the same version of the game.
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