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Opponent(s) wanted

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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 4:27:15 AM
I am new to MP Endless Legends and somewhat tired of SP, and would like to find some like minded player(s) to play against. Since I see only a few players playing on line at any one time I think it makes most sense to post here to find a opponent, rather than sitting online waiting for someone to show up. On the plus side I have lots of time to play this game since I am retired. Times I am available to play would from 10 AM central time to midnight, although I probably would not want to be playing it that entire time block smiley: smile

I also believe the game does not have to be completed in one setting, we can save it to play at a later time/day. This being the case, the problem I see many complain about is that the game takes to long is not a problem. The way I look at it is: “If you are having fun, who cares how long it takes?” With this philosophy opens up the idea of playing on larger maps, but I would like to start with small maps. The idea being to do that with someone with equal skill. For if one person is a lot better at this game, the time playing it will not be fun for either and will seem wasted.

Reloads: In playing this game I have learned it is easy to mess up and have your party get wiped out, especially in the beginning. I think this is why a lot of people drop out of this game. Since this game takes so long, I think it is a waste to write it off should such a disaster happen. What I propose, but in no way require, is to allow each person 1 or 2 free reloads, After they are used up the only way to get another is for their opponent to use one.

My preferences but not necessarily my requirements:

Two player game

No time limit (since I have lots of time to play the game, I would like to play a relaxed game)

No computer players (I am told they are to easy to exploit)

No custom factions (at least until I know the best combos)

All other settings I don't care as much about. If you are interested in playing me, email me at Paper.Hero@yahoo.com and we can set up a time to play.
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10 years ago
Feb 15, 2015, 11:43:27 PM
My preferences have changed. I am now OK with custom factions and computer players. I still would like to play with only 2 player and no timed moves.
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10 years ago
Feb 21, 2015, 12:48:39 AM
I'm down I haven't played too much multiplayer either, add me on steam and hit me up some time: fenixink
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