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multiplayer game(co-op or all versus all)

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10 years ago
May 2, 2015, 12:07:04 PM
hello i am Alkatraz91 on steam.i am italian.i was looking for mp player since i had no frieds who had this game smiley: frown but every time i play online someone go away and te host always star again from 0.i never finished a mp play smiley: frown i want try to co-op too whit someone,i know we can't set team etc.. but we can make an ally,trade reserch,kill every enemy and in the end try to puruit the best victory condition.i am not so exper of the game,i have tried just 3 faction,and i fall in love of the cultist xD
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10 years ago
May 3, 2015, 8:15:22 AM
even if i host nobody come -.- i think nobody want play..and i always fuondo 0 player hosting...max 1 or 2 but rarely
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10 years ago
May 4, 2015, 10:31:41 AM
I'm happy to play with u =) I'm from germany so the time difference wouldnt be a problem.

i want try to co-op too whit someone,i know we can't set team etc.. but we can make an ally,trade reserch,kill every enemy and in the end try to puruit the best victory condition

That sounds pretty good to me =) and i would like to play like this =)

Please let me know if you are still interessted in such thing =)


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