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AI interference during multiplayer

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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 12:02:19 PM
While playing a multiplayer game, I've had a battle resolve automatically as soon as it happened, no action form my side to tell it to resolve the battle. Also, there was a minor race assimilated that I didn't initiate. I think the host assumed I disconnected and let the AI take over. Is it possible to not let the AI take over if a player drops as a workaround? How would I report this issue with more data in case it happens again?
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9 years ago
Sep 22, 2015, 10:12:27 AM
Havin' simlar problems in Multiplayer. I joined a game, and after a while I recognized the AI is deciding battleoptions for troops, skillpoints for my Heroes. It even decides where to go for my troops, if I hadn't preselected a course ...

Of course EL is a nice game to solo. But it seems to be unplayable in MP. And I couldn't find any solution in this forum to that.
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9 years ago
Sep 22, 2015, 2:22:44 PM
This problem occurs very often in multiplayer. The solution is to reload the game or to rejoin the game (for the player which has these problems).

It's a big problem.

We noticed there is a link between A.I take over and ping of the players. Maybe when the ping become too high, the system think the player has done, and take control ?
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