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Prudence before Passion

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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 10:03:29 PM
In the Ardent Mage's quest 'Prudence before Passion', it says to pacify 5 villages in your empire. I've searched over the forums, Steam, and Google, and I can't get a clarification on this: Is this INSIDE your Empire/area of control, or outside? And by pacify, does it mean any method, or through parlay?

I just can't seem to finish this quest. Any Ardent Mage players able to help me figure it out?
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 10:30:23 PM
It means that you need to have a minimum of 5 pacified villages inside your Empire. Whether you parlay with them, bribe them, or kill them all and then rebuild the village doesn't matter, as long as they're all located inside your Empire's borders.

Here's a picture to help illustrate: The picture on the left shows a pacified village in an unclaimed region. Ergo, it does not count towards completing this Quest. The one on the right shows the region having been claimed by you; now it does count smiley: smile

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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 11:16:47 PM
That was what I was worried about. Me and my friends like to play with settler limits. Well shoot, okay. Thanks for answering!
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9 years ago
Oct 28, 2015, 4:43:47 AM
Mazu wrote:
That was what I was worried about. Me and my friends like to play with settler limits. Well shoot, okay. Thanks for answering!

settler limits?

Isn't it part of the game to expand and conquer from time to time?
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