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Small question about Drakkens in multiplayer.

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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 5:44:57 PM
Hello! I'll make this quick.. I play a custom Wild walker faction based on killing all my opponents. I selected the trait that makes it impossible to be at peace in hopes it would counter the drakkens.

I would like to know a method to generate enough influence to cancel out the truce long enough to be able to win..

My opponents make no units and simply spam the "Force truce" preventing me to kill him.

I play on normal speed and I would like to have a strategy to breach it.. Because banking double the influence as they have is out of the question..
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 5:51:34 PM
Sylaess wrote:
I play on normal speed and I would like to have a strategy to breach it.. Because banking double the influence as they have is out of the question..

If they have you "Diplo-Locked" (Force Truce) and are out-producing you in smiley: empirepoint you pretty much out of luck. It's why a lot of people consider the Drakken one of (if not the) best factions.

But just because he isn't destroyed, doesn't mean he'll win. A suggestion (for future games) is to surround them the Drakken player so that they he is trapped and forced to fight you.

BTW, I really recommend avoiding custom factions in multiplayer. There are so many cheap and broken combos out there...
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 6:03:09 PM
Unfortunately, the Pitiless trait won't keep them from forcing truce.

There are a few things you can do.

1) Have fewer cities than they do. It's not immediately obvious, but the cost of both forcing truce and declaring war depends on how many cities you have. If you have one city and your Drakken opponent has three, it should be cheaper for you to declare war than for them to force truce. If it's going to mean winning the game, it makes perfect sense to salt the earth with all of your cities save your capital to permit war.

2) Use first turn assaults. When launching into a war directly, without even entering the diplomacy screen, by right clicking on an opponent's city, I've never seen truce forced before the assault begins. That requires good movement to be able to reach their city from outside their borders on a single turn, but with some thought, it should be doable. The harder part about this is of course that you're going to have to fight through full fortification. The counter to that, if you have the Shadows expansion, is infiltration. Wait until you have level 4 infiltration, destroy fortification, and then launch a first turn assault on the city.

3) Strike the turn following empire plans. The Drakken player wants to take advantage of their banked influence for good plans, but if you're ready to strike, you can neglect the plan and bank your influence, declaring war the next turn while the Drakken's checking account is overextended.

4) Make more influence. There's no trick to this, but WW are great at making influence thanks to the Visions of Glory quest reward. Glory of Empire and National Museums are great improvements. Cultist governors are great for generating influence with their +1 influence/pop skill, available starting at level 2. With a level 4 Cultist gov and no improvements, you can be making 5 influence per population per turn.

5) Privateers. While not available until late in the game, a Drakken player that relies on Force Truce is unlikely to have much in the way of garrisons, and an army of Privateers can march through their territory, devastating them, without ever declaring war.

6) Let them. As WW, you have access to the fastest peaceful victory in the form of your wonder victory, and it can be pursued without neglecting military. If they want to turtle, turtle right back at them, and go full speed for a wonder victory. Once you're familiar with the quest, this should be achievable long before the Drakken achieve an economic, science, or diplomatic victory.
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 7:36:35 PM
Thank you Natev! I will definitely try the Privateers and the shadows infiltrations!

I was really out of ideas!
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9 years ago
Dec 19, 2015, 4:30:34 PM
natev wrote:
Unfortunately, the Pitiless trait won't keep them from forcing truce.

There are a few things you can do.

1) Have fewer cities than they do. It's not immediately obvious, but the cost of both forcing truce and declaring war depends on how many cities you have. If you have one city and your Drakken opponent has three, it should be cheaper for you to declare war than for them to force truce. If it's going to mean winning the game, it makes perfect sense to salt the earth with all of your cities save your capital to permit war.

2) Use first turn assaults. When launching into a war directly, without even entering the diplomacy screen, by right clicking on an opponent's city, I've never seen truce forced before the assault begins. That requires good movement to be able to reach their city from outside their borders on a single turn, but with some thought, it should be doable. The harder part about this is of course that you're going to have to fight through full fortification. The counter to that, if you have the Shadows expansion, is infiltration. Wait until you have level 4 infiltration, destroy fortification, and then launch a first turn assault on the city.

3) Strike the turn following empire plans. The Drakken player wants to take advantage of their banked influence for good plans, but if you're ready to strike, you can neglect the plan and bank your influence, declaring war the next turn while the Drakken's checking account is overextended.

4) Make more influence. There's no trick to this, but WW are great at making influence thanks to the Visions of Glory quest reward. Glory of Empire and National Museums are great improvements. Cultist governors are great for generating influence with their +1 influence/pop skill, available starting at level 2. With a level 4 Cultist gov and no improvements, you can be making 5 influence per population per turn.

5) Privateers. While not available until late in the game, a Drakken player that relies on Force Truce is unlikely to have much in the way of garrisons, and an army of Privateers can march through their territory, devastating them, without ever declaring war.

6) Let them. As WW, you have access to the fastest peaceful victory in the form of your wonder victory, and it can be pursued without neglecting military. If they want to turtle, turtle right back at them, and go full speed for a wonder victory. Once you're familiar with the quest, this should be achievable long before the Drakken achieve an economic, science, or diplomatic victory.

Also Spy's can reduce the inf cost of all actions by like 50% or something. And the legendary influence building also reducing inf cost by 50%.
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9 years ago
Jan 2, 2016, 8:36:08 PM
Using the community balance mod and infiltration tactics, Beating drakken only feels very difficult, not impossible.

I end up losing if my opponent sees an attack coming and prepares for it, how it should be!

Thanks to everyone that replied!
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