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How to deal with Necrophages?

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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 7:43:55 AM
So me and a couple of buddies bought EL on sale and we basically play everyday. Recently, one friend picked up Necrophages and now its hell.

Apart from the fact that everyone is on edge because war is a constant thing to worry about, we just dont know how to handle them. Everybodys selfish so we dont help eachother when were attacked, and the Necro always seems to have abigger army than any of us. Once he eats one town it just goes downhill.

I picked Vauletrs last time cause i thoight their defense and teleportation would be enough, but by turn 100 i had 3 cities, 2 heroes, 8 marines, the two defense upgrades and was about to research titans, but he walked in with with 3 armys of 6 units with heroes, battleborn and all... Is it just that he had better production or got lucky with starting positions or is there a specific way to counter the insects? I want to play Broken Lords next time, hopefully ill be able to just buy an army when he knocks...
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 9:31:23 AM
Moving this thread to the Help & Tips section where it is more likely to gain some traction.

My piece of advice would be: Necrophages are really strong late game, don't wait for them to come a-knocking, because when they do, they'll be ready, and you won't. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 5:51:03 PM
Haunts and Silics are both really strong against Necrophage units. You might try creating some of those units to take them out. Lots of Silics, especially, will create a pretty obnoxious barrier for them to try to chew through.
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 6:20:15 PM
Just as a point of reference, eight Marines on turn 100 is a really small army. If your Necrophage playing friend is simply better than you then that would help explain this. Broken Lords would not help your situation here.

Joysticko wrote:
Everybodys selfish so we dont help eachother when were attacked

Yes, well, that's kind of a huge problem. The Necrophages are DESIGNED to play selfish and get extra bonuses to compensate for the fact they can't do much diplomacy. So if everyone is equally selfish and equally skilled, Necrophages will be at a military advantage in particular, especially late game.
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 8:53:04 PM
I don't really have any advice for you, since I don't play a lot of multiplayer.

But I suggest you to try to play as them, whether in solo or in multiplayer, and see how the other empires counter you or what recks you smiley: smile

From my personal experience, diplomacy is really important in 4X games, and it sounds weird that your friends don't want to unite and fight the strongest player. "Don't panic, organize" smiley: wink

Edit : If one of you plays the Roving Clans, use the market ban against the Necrophage player early. It will slow him down a lot, because he won't be able to purchase heroes, strategic resources for his army, luxury resources for boosters... Plus he won't either be able to sell his food stockpiles to earn some extra dust.
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9 years ago
Feb 16, 2016, 9:05:55 PM
The Sister of Mercy hero is also excellent against the necrophages. If you can grab her, she will nullify disease and parasitism single-handedly.
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8 years ago
Jun 21, 2017, 9:29:06 PM

Best suggestion would be to recruit a small army of diesease immune mercenaries early and keep an eye out for the Sister of Mercies hero. But a mix of justicer, haunts, and, silics   will negate their biggest advantage. Don't be afraid to manual the combat to kill the proliferators first.

D Immunity http://endlesslegend.gamepedia.com/File:AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmall.png

The accessory you may find advantagious uses era IV tech/materials. 

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