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Can't play Custom Map

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6 years ago
Feb 2, 2019, 2:38:53 PM

I'm not clear on what I'm doing wrong here

plz help Q_Q

Admitedly, the map isn't exactly playable.

Every hex has terrain, and 4 spawns were placed in their appropriate layer; but I haven't put in any resources, or given every tile a region.

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6 years ago
Feb 5, 2019, 10:08:10 AM

I haven't used the map editor in a long time, and it's not fully compatible with Inferno, but I am fairly sure that to have a valid map, every tile does need to be assigned to a region.

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6 years ago
Mar 8, 2019, 10:17:05 AM

Not to pick on the devs, being all busy with their new game and all, but I got tired of waiting and did a bit of digging myself. 

So I got the default Tiled map, loaded it up (with Inferno disabled, although I have no idea how to rollback updates), and got pretty much the same error message. 

XML error, no biggie. Did a bit of google-fu, found this used to be an old problem and that the error is simply that the World Generator is running into the following code line: 

 <layer id="4" name="Rivers" width="20" height="20" visible="0">





This is the 'null' exception. If you open up the Tiled map file in notepad and do replace all <tile/> with this: 

<tile gid="0"/>

You don't get the same error anymore.  You get *2* totally different errors!

Back when EL was early access I actually ran into this error like twice trying to do tiny maps for testing, but I can't remember how I fixed it (I think I just reported it and it got bugfixed). 

The second error is a totally different monster.

I did a search in my map file, and the only 'index' parameter I could find was this (underlined)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<map version="1.2" tiledversion="1.2.2" orientation="hexagonal" renderorder="left-down" width="20" height="20" tilewidth="60" tileheight="52" infinite="0" hexsidelength="26" staggeraxis="y" staggerindex="even" nextlayerid="7" nextobjectid="1">
 <tileset firstgid="1" name="Elevations" tilewidth="60" tileheight="80" tilecount="12" columns="4">

That's as far as my coding knowledge goes, and I've got no idea where I'd even start looking from here. I'd contact the Tiled guy, get his advice on it, but I don't think he was ever involved in Endless Legend's coding. 

Any advice on what I can do to find out more about this from the devs or someone smarter with code would be appreciated.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 14, 2019, 8:21:35 AM

I second the problem above, I found out by myself that replacement with <tile gid="0"/> does the job with dealing with first issue, although after a lot of testing I also want to note, that overall configuration works perfectly if you use map from some existing mod, and not your own, so the second issue is also related to .tmi file, but I haven't found out what exactly is a problem there. Maybe some specific points of interest are required?

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