ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!
Uncompress archive at look at all files (there is no many) where there is text.
Each time you see something like :
?TitleEnglish?=Tiny Box Food ?DescriptionEnglish?=A light Food income per city.
It's where to edit.
Rule :
- never use a "?", i discovered I have a hole in my mod generator tool making single ? recognized as a Var tag (it's a regression because it worked a previous version).
- never do a CR (carriot return), because the text will fall out of the var affectation (?DescriptionEnglish? is a variable, and text is affected into).
Then you can post results in forum :-))
If you find that funny to do, I'm currently working on a monster mod and will need many better english texts also.
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