
This thread is mostly to the intention of Teatea

Uncompress archive at look at all files (there is no many) where there is text.

Each time you see something like :

?TitleEnglish?=Tiny Box Food
?DescriptionEnglish?=A light Food income per city.

It's where to edit.

Rule : 

- never use a "?", i discovered I have a hole in my mod generator tool making single ? recognized as a Var tag (it's a regression because it worked a previous version).

- never do a CR (carriot return), because the text will fall out of the var affectation (?DescriptionEnglish? is a variable, and text is affected into).

Then you can post results in forum :-))

If you find that funny to do, I'm currently working on a monster mod and will need many better english texts also.

Thanks !!!

_ELS TinyTraitsFULL.7z