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Steam Workshop support: Will it ever be a thing?

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10 years ago
Sep 30, 2014, 5:48:04 PM
The title is relatively self explanatory. The workshop is just a really convenient and easy way to get mods and may also promote modding for the Endless games.

I don't know if it will be possible since iirc Endless Space could only support one mod at a time, but it would be great to see. 4X games always have a lot of modding potential, so the more interest in the modding community for Amplitude's games the better.

Have any of the development team at Amplitude said anything about this? My good if it's readily available information.
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10 years ago
Oct 11, 2014, 11:52:29 PM
The game's opening menu DOES have a section called "mods" (which isn't finished yet) so I'd imagine it's simply a matter of time...
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