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Can Mods Be Used in MP (Co-op)?

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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 12:48:58 PM
Hello Folks,

One of the biggest things that annoys me about Civ V is that MP (incl. Co-op) cannot use mods. Does this game allow mods to be used in MP?

And, let me sneak in another question here smiley: smile: Are the mod tools deep enough as to allow modders to change the gameplay significantly? For instance, new maps, new terrain, new weather, new factions, new quests, AI adjustments, UI changes, and so on.

Thanks for any insight!


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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 1:43:27 PM
I believe that mods can be used in multiplayer provided everyone is using the same one (you can only have one mod active at a time, although it is possible to merge mods to get the effects from multiple).

It is my understanding that basic elements of the game are hardcoded, but modders are able to change (e.g.) variables in XML files and portraits. From what I have seen done and discussed, factions (such would be a massive project though), seasons, quests, AI, and basic UI sound possible. You can learn a bit more in the tutorial thread about what's possible, even if you have no interest in modding yourself.

Personally, I have only done a tiny bit of modding, so perhaps we can both hope someone more experienced hops in to give a more definitive answer smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Mar 11, 2015, 1:52:40 PM
Yes you can use mods in MP. Both players must have the same version active.

Mod tools allow you to add content to the game (more quests, factions, techs, etc.) and tweak numbers. As syrna mentions there are somethings that are hardcoded or outside of what you can access through mods. You also cannot add/re-skin 3D models.
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10 years ago
Mar 12, 2015, 12:48:05 AM
Thank you Synra & Propbuddha, for responding.

This is VERY good news. This will allow for an incredible amount of replayability.


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