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changing a unit in an existing civilization, but wont appear in construction cue

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10 years ago
Jul 28, 2015, 9:59:33 AM

The following lines are wrong:

$path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

$path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

It should be:

$Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

$Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

So far I don't see anything else wrong.

Please do not hesitate to tell if it works as intended after that!

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10 years ago
Aug 4, 2015, 3:42:28 PM
Hello again,

It is a custom model in the sense that you don't use the "official" model.

What is difficult to understand it that the 3D model is "called" on screen thanks to the name it has. AffinityBrokenLords will call a BrokenLords model automatically. If your model is called MadFairies, even if this one exists in game it won't work. Hence the "custom call" of the model I described earlier.

If I have some time I will try to make you an example with Vaulters faction having a Wildwalkers 3D model for one of the unit.

I hope it is clearer.
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10 years ago
Jul 31, 2015, 10:53:29 PM
Pikou wrote:

For the unit mapping please look at the end of mapping.xml document:

You will need to adapt this to call for custom model.

Then you will only have to change the characteristics of the existing Vaulters design and body to fit with the appearance you give them.

I hope it helps!

I am afraid I dont quite understand, the model isn't a custom one as far as I understand what that word means, its an existing one.

I have thought of changing the vaulters stats to match the desired units but I wasn't sure how that would interact with the rest of the game, just changing the base units and their models directly than changing the models vaulters get.
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10 years ago
Jul 31, 2015, 1:21:12 PM

For the unit mapping please look at the end of mapping.xml document:

You will need to adapt this to call for custom model.

Then you will only have to change the characteristics of the existing Vaulters design and body to fit with the appearance you give them.

I hope it helps!
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 11:45:32 AM
the intention is that the vaulters units will be replaced with the units of other factions.

I am not sure what your post is supposed to be suggesting me to do, the mod you gave is not a desirable method for me, as I have little understanding on the tags necissary to make a mod. I would like to get this to execute using the base game.

the mapping of the unit is not something I am aware of exists in the mapping xml, as the base games xml does little to address units from what I can understand. at least not in a way that seems to require faction specific test



this is the only element i could find dealing with construction. and from what I've seen there is no affinity mapping file, so the only thing I can surmise is the affinity tag in the units is used to address this, and the or statments should allow for it to work.
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 10:39:51 AM
I'm not really sure I understand what you want to do here.

Do you want to only change the model of the vaulters marine to be a wildwalkers archer?


Do you want to make a new unit, using the characteristics of the wildwalkers archer to replace the vaulters marine?

In any case you will have to change the mapping of the unit.

It is a bit tricky but our system works on specific words recognition for the faction models.

I strongly recommand you to have a look at those two mods:



Playing with the 3D models is not an easy task and I really hope those files will help you!
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 7:40:29 AM
I am directly editing the games local files. if you would like, I can give you the summery of the changes I've made.



the one you've already seen up there applied to different units. and then this.



the files are simulation folder factions major, unit designs, and unitbodydefinitions.
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10 years ago
Jul 29, 2015, 7:06:36 AM
There should be something wrong with the other files then.

At the moment I cannot think about anything else necessary to show a unit in a construction queue.

We will need your mod folder in order to investigate efficiently.
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10 years ago
Jul 28, 2015, 11:28:48 AM
the editing went smoothly but the change did not cause the units to be able to build. what else is necissary to make it function?
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10 years ago
Jul 28, 2015, 10:51:48 AM
so the brackets need to be changed. I hope this works similarly for the tech stuff
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10 years ago
Jul 25, 2015, 9:40:47 PM
what part of this xml maze makes a unit appear in the construction cue?

I've gotten units to work just fine loading into combat and spawning at the start of the game, but none of the changed factional unit types will populate the city construction cue.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 9:57:23 PM
I'd like to hear something definitive from the dev that responded earlier if this is so.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 9:27:17 PM
The only thing I can think of is that the "$path(...) or $path(...)" syntax is not working for this object.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 9:22:42 PM
because the unit is swapped with the others, I went through this reference and used the following to make each item be able to be used by more than one faction, as to do otherwise would just put a skin on a unit.

I wondered if the location might be here, but I am rather stumped that this did not work, so I approached it from a general query. do you see any errors here? I have not changed anything since before your reply.


$path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

$path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityMadFairies) or $path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityVaulters)

($Property(ClassCity,Garrison:MaximumUnitSlotCount) - $Property(ClassCity,Garrison:UnitSlotCount)) ge 1

$Property(../ClassEmpire:UnitProductionCostCheaper) + $Property(../ClassEmpire:UnitProductionCostCheaper) * $Property(../ClassEmpire:CostIncreaseFromEra)

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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 7:19:41 PM
Sorry bout that, got this one mixed up with a different thread on retrofits.

Posting your files will help though, it's hard to tell exactly what you've edited from your description...

Q: Are the units appearing in the Unit Designer?

Most units requires a TechnologyPrerequisite and/or a Affinity. For example, this is for the Broken Lords "Ryder" from Simulation/UnitBodyDefinitions.xml







($Property(ClassCity,Garrison:MaximumUnitSlotCount) - $Property(ClassCity,Garrison:UnitSlotCount)) ge 1



Likely something is wrong there.

So if you are simply swapping references, you may be able to see the unit if they are pre-built, but the above is required to design and build them.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 7:15:37 PM
Propbuddha wrote:
You can only retrofit/upgrade units to a design that is an edited version of unit's design when it was created. You cannot create a new design (using the NEW button in the editor), then upgrade existing units to that design, even if it is the same type of unit.

Yes, it is confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's the way it works.

this has nothing to do with the topic.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 4:45:09 PM
Pikou wrote:

A look at your files might be helpful to give you a precise answer.

Otherwise I suspect that you only did the unit design but you did not add a technology and/or the faction trait that allow the unit to be created through the queue.

again, I am swapping existing units, so they have technologies listed already, they also do not show up regardless if there is no tech requirement, Ive edited both units designed unit body and the faction traits. the code shouldnt really be necissary, what is is explaining what is required for a unit to show up in a que. if you give me that, then I can just isolate the problem.
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10 years ago
Jul 27, 2015, 3:30:40 PM

A look at your files might be helpful to give you a precise answer.

Otherwise I suspect that you only did the unit design but you did not add a technology and/or the faction trait that allow the unit to be created through the queue.
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