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Bug/problem with "More Heroes" example mod

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9 years ago
Sep 15, 2015, 11:08:34 AM
I'm attempting to play around with the example mods, but I am running into an error. When I use the "More Heroes" mod found here then the game doesn't function as it should. At all.

First up, an AI empire seems to have immediately gained 120 or more of a luxury resource somehow.

There are literally no heroes on the market.

Starting dust is 0

When founding a city, empire approval doesn't raise above rebellion, and science per turn doesn't update from zero either. Nor does dust per turn.

Sometimes fog of war isn't revealed when moving units, but this is hard to reproduce.

And finally, the end turn button does nothing, simply being pressed and then remaining on 'calculating turn' for the rest of time.

Saving and loading has no impact.

Images here: https://imgur.com/a/EGOn7

Does anyone know why this is happening? It seems like some key element of the simulation is being broken, but I can't imagine what it would be, especially with such a simple mod which changes so little.
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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 3:08:17 AM
I found out the game has a debugger, and managed to get some more information.

It seems the AI has found a way to get infinite wine, and is getting so sloshed it refuses to end the turn. https://imgur.com/a/81bFB

All the empires have a seemingly endless wine booster that's running, but I can't find the source for it. It might be a market thing? It's still odd that no empire spawned with Dust, even the player.
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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 1:59:30 PM
Good catch.

I just made a huge mistake in this mod (I'm ashamed).

I change the files too much, reducing the EmpireTypeMajor descriptor to only one property!

Thanks a lot for the info.

It has been fixed in the thread smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Sep 17, 2015, 1:27:19 AM
Oh, I see what happened.

So a related question; does that mean that every time you insert a


type line into a mod you are overwriting the game's existing SimulationDescriptor with the same name?

Is there a way to reach in and just touch [CODE][/CODE] without having to set every other Property of the Descriptor along the way?

I'm still getting rather confused with how this stuff works. Would something akin to the following do that or am I way off?



I think that that would make a new object in the game that would set the variable right, but nothing would call it/tell it to run?
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9 years ago
Sep 17, 2015, 7:41:58 AM
Indeed when you change only 1 property of 1 descriptor you have to keep in mind the descriptor will replace the existing one.

If you erase the other properties it will break some game features for sure.

No way to do differently as far as I know :/

But I will ask about the solution you offer in case it could work.
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