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Weapons of the Enemy Trait

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9 years ago
Nov 20, 2015, 11:18:04 PM

i am new at modding el and with the xml lenguage, i have some experience in C++ and java but never tryed xml.

I am trying to make a trait that allows a faction to instant destroy a conquered city and then gain some buffs from it, my question is as follows, ¿How can i put a condition to activate these buffs, just as the "Weapons of the enemy" trait does, when the faction captures and then destroy a city? In the Simulation[FactionTrait].xml the trait "Weapons of the enemy" have apparently no effect, the code is in blank.

Thanks for reading guys,

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9 years ago
Nov 21, 2015, 10:38:19 PM
Often when a trait or technology or something is blank it means that some code somewhere else checks to see if it is unlocked or not. For instance, with buildings and their unlocks, how it works is that you click on a city, and then it checks the list of technologies to show you which of the buildings are available to build. The code for on/off is under the building's definitions, not the technologies.

I'm not familiar with weapons of the enemy, but it might be that you need to look under the conquering code for the answer.

Try searching for name of the trait in all files. or, if I remember correctly, isn't there a way to get other stockpiles out of the weapons of the enemy one too? That might reference it.
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9 years ago
Nov 22, 2015, 7:10:06 AM

You will need to use tools like MultiFind, making full text search. You search for a tech or improvement name, and see all files where the name is used. Giving an overview on "how it work", and eventualy see others names affiliate to search too.
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