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[MOD] Dynamic difficulty speeds

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9 years ago
Sep 21, 2015, 12:04:19 PM
Version 2.0.0: Now on the steam workshop!


Adds two new game speeds that let time go slower, but keep construction costs the same!

For Endless Legend version 1.2.2

- Archaic speed runs the game at Slow speed, but the production costs of buildings is kept at the Normal game speed level.

- Historic speed runs the game at Endless speed, but keeps the production costs at Normal.

- Dynamic speed runs the game at Normal speed, but reduces the production costs to that of Fast games.

These production changes seem to apply to everything except stockpiles.


The second of my two public mods. I'm pretty happy with this one, and don't expect many/any errors or bugs to come up, even with game patches.

This mod is designed to be as non-destructive as possible. The only descriptors rewritten is the list of game speeds in the pre-game lobby, everything else is additive. It piggy-backs off the AI code for the game speed it runs at. The AI might get a little confused when it's building things too fast, but it seems to manage.

Might need a bit of balancing, since the buyout prices of things seem really really cheap, even when compared to their usual values. There's probably some multiplication of scaling factors going on somewhere I missed.

If anyone has any questions, bug reports, or suggestions for changes, please let me know!
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9 years ago
Oct 3, 2015, 8:12:58 AM
So I may have uncovered an incidental bug/problem. I played a full game in which there was only one hero bought between all 5 of the AI opponents combines. I haven't delved into the AI coding, so I'm not sure why this might happen. Maybe the AI sees how cheap units are compared to what it's expecting, and so it builds more of them instead and then bankrupts itself so it never gets enough money to hire one?
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9 years ago
Nov 28, 2015, 10:46:47 AM
New version up and on the workshop. Seems to work as intended, and needed no actual changes! Huzzah for forward planning!
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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 10:22:23 AM
Hi, I saw some missing title, maybe you need to copy english localization folder for others localizations.

I will look WGFC and see if the mod need to be cleaned up (if possible). It change some options menu, so if loaded after your mod, possibly erase yours new options. But I don't use the options about game speed. I need to check the mod don't rewrite it while it's not necessary.
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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 12:11:22 PM
Yeah, I've been really lazy about the localization. I should just copy things over, or revert to an un-localized format, but I'm too proud of a coder to do that.

I should probably be using your tool to auto-copy this stuff, but it seems like a bit much to learn, haha.

I have tested WGFC and the dynamic game speed mods together and they seem to work fine. WGFC doesn't seem to touch game options, just world options, so there's no issue.

The only file that DGS overwrites is the list of possible game speeds. I managed to get it down to a single overwrite, which I'm quite proud of. Everything else, including AI hooks and sim modifiers, is additive. So if your thing doesn't touch that one object then it's compatible.

For reference, here's the overwritten definition: GameOptionDefinitions.xml









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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 1:47:16 PM
After quick look, WGFC have just this into :










Because it remove constraints.

But it's write the same way like yours, it just tweak what is necessary, nothing more.

It's the good way for making mods smiley: smile) smiley: cool
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