Enchanteur SeniorEnchanteurSenior24 700g2g pts 9 years ago Nov 30, 2015, 8:51:47 PM Hi, I'm trying to split difficulty modifiers. Instead of choosing "Impossible difficulty", put detailled options and say exactly what bonus get AI. I'm behind a wall. I start to some tests, with human player (because I can easely verify if it's work). First in SimulationDescriptors[GameDifficultyBonus].xml, i do this : [CODE] [/CODE] HumanBasePop5MajorEmpire work well, i've tested it as a standard GameDifficulty. Problem here, is how accumulate differents gameModifiers togethers ? in GameModifiers[GameDifficulty].xml : [CODE] ../EmpireTypeMajor ../EmpireTypeMajor GameDifficultyBonus ../EmpireTypeMajor ../EmpireTypeMajor ../EmpireTypeMajor [/CODE] and in GameOptionDefinitions.xml : [CODE] Newbie Easy Normal Hard Serious Impossible Endless Custom 4 5 [/CODE] I've tried many combinations nothing work, in this case, my GameModifier do nothing. I don't know what do " GameDifficultyBonus" tried to remove it or not do nothing more or less. I need to create GameDifficultyCustomMajorEmpire, otherwise it bug. But i make it doing nothing. Is it possible to accumulate gameModifier and effects ? The goal is to make many options. One option say how many basePop AI get. Another one say how many % city get. Another one says how many % army of AI get, etc ,etc. So instead of just choose one option difficulty, player can choose exactly what get AI. Thks
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