ENDLESS™ Legend is a turn-based 4X fantasy-strategy game, where you control every aspect of your civilization as you struggle to save your homeworld Auriga. Create your own Legend!
I've been unable to figure this out yet. I'm trying to make minor faction units unlockable through traits as well as the normal way. Nothing I tried has worked though. Here's my latest non working attempt:
[CODE]$Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor/EmpireTypeMinor,AffinityKazanji) or $Path(.../EmpireTypeMinor,AffinityKazanji) or $Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor,FactionTraitKazanjiUnit)
$Path(.../EmpireTypeMinor,AffinityKazanji) or $Path(../EmpireTypeMajor,FactionTraitKazanjiUnit)
($Property(ClassCity,Garrison:MaximumUnitSlotCount) - $Property(ClassCity,Garrison:UnitSlotCount)) ge 1
Note that at this point I had removed "$Path(.../EmpireTypeMajor/EmpireTypeMinor,AffinityKazanji) or " from UnitDesignPrerequisites to test if issues were caused by 3 paths in one prerequisite.
I also tried multiple variations of path prerequisites. Is it possible to have multiple possibilities in path prerequisites like with interpreter prerequisites?
Edit: With the help of simulation debug mode, I figured out the problem: I'm an idiot. I didn't load up simulation descriptors in my mod xml.
In case anyone searches up this thread while looking for info, make sure you load all relevant plugins, check your spelling and here's the right path for trait prerequisites:
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Why do you report KBSMilk2?
Are you sure you want to block KBSMilk2 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock KBSMilk2 ?
Mirror Chameleon
I make micro mods.
Mirror Chameleon
27 400g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report ZenTractor?
Are you sure you want to block ZenTractor ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock ZenTractor ?