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Exclusive items/skills/quests

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9 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 7:46:32 PM
Is the following possible:

Say I make an item called "Andom the Seer's favorite watch" or a skill called "Andom the Seer's purple nurple of ultimate fury" which are acquired on a quest called "Andom the Seer's rather marginal trip to a far off patch of dirt."

Is there any way to make these exclusive so that ONLY the faction with Andom the Seer employed can get the quest and ONLY Andom can do the quest and ONLY Andom can wear the item and ONLY Andom can learn the skill?

Additionally, can I restrict the quest so you can only access it if you're the Cultists AND you've employed Andom?

Are there reasonable alternatives? For example, only one Cultist hero in the Cultist faction at a time can use said item or have said skill?

I have some ideas that require such exclusivity. If I can't do it directly and somebody thinks of a workaround please tell me.

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9 years ago
Apr 18, 2016, 2:51:41 PM
Hello crazylulu,

It is indeed possible to create a variable at the start of the quest in which you ensure your empire has the hero Andom the Seer available.

During the steps you can even make a Decorator_BeginTurn in Parallel where you verify the empire did not sell the hero (otherwise you make the quest fail).

For the item and the skill you can use a prerequisite for the hero.

Of course, you can create a prerequisite to ensure the quest is for Cultists + the Andom variable.

Here will be the example for the prerequisite then the variable (quest Forgotten/Replicants and Wildwalkers/Madfairies are good references):



I hope it is clear enough.

If you have any trouble making your files please do not hesitate to ask for help!

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