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Endless Legend to Tabletop RPG Total Conversion 18 Months Later

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3 years ago
Aug 1, 2021, 2:52:01 PM

One sorrowful note… 

The string herald of Auriga’s Song was all it took for me to realize that Endless Legend would impact me far beyond the hours I spent in-game. Now four years later, I would like to share with you all my version of an Endless Legend Tabletop RPG…

If you made it past that overly dramatic introduction, I’m Kev! Art student, Endless game fan, and GM.

Amplitude’s familiar yet foreign fantasy world within its wider science fiction setting has always filled me with curiosity, ideas, and a desire to step down from the role of empire-builder to walk the lands of Auriga as an adventurer.




At this moment in time I believe it is only fair to bring attention to the table of contents just below this passage and to warn you, the reader, of the substantial length of this post.




Table of Contents

  • Introduction(Above)

  • Project Summary

  • Guiding Concepts

  • Adventuring in Auriga

  • Disclaimers

  • Project Hyperlinks(Go here to skip to the google docs)

  • Selections(A few pictures and favorites)

  • Thank You




Endless Paths

… is my attempt at an unofficial, total conversion ruleset aimed at bringing tabletop adventures into the incredible setting of Endless Legend and Amplitude’s wider Endless universe. While this project is first and foremost for myself and my friends who play Pathfinder 1e(an awesome system with roots in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e), there are a lot of ideas and mechanics within this project which may be useful across many systems and settings!

I initially planned on posting the alpha version some time during the 10th anniversary Amplified/Endless Day but a lot has changed between when I started working on this thing and now at the moment of posting. The title is no joke; I wanted to send some adventurers to Auriga dammit!

There is quite a bit to get through, I don't know how much I'll want to scan in from my notebook but I think I'll revisit some select documents and reformat/flavor them to post in the future. As for the project, it's going to remain unfinished until I get my core homebrew ttrpg rules down but that's waaay off in the future.

Bring the 4X viewpoint into the individual’s perspective

ex) The world gets a lot bigger when the players go from Major Faction leaders to level 1 nobodies. What are the differences in resource management at this level? How are the players impacted when the Roving Clans city they need to get to for a quest is constantly moving?

Redesign core Endless mechanics

ex) What are stockpiles and FIDSI to the individual adventurer? How does dungeon exploration work when you’re exploring from the surface at the top down to the bottom? How would unique faction traits work for single members of that faction?

Avoid repetivity

ex) The Roving Clans and the Dorgeshi: Two factions cut from the same cloth. A Roving Clans character gains greatly increased benefits from indulging in luxuries while a hardened Dorgeshi character enjoys easier access to special martial arts fighting styles.

Make random world/environment generation modular and fast

ex) I play DOTE for dungeon layouts, then I fill in the blanks: What was this facility’s purpose? What creatures call the ruins above it home? How many “smoking guns” are waiting to demolish any adventurers with the audacity to dare open this door?

Adventuring in Auriga

This is basically what I got out of reading into the major faction quest lines and hero biographies. For one reason or another be it revenge, loss, wanderlust, being forced out of home, or a desire for money and power, those who saddle Mount And take up Blade to become heroes of Auriga tend towards divergence: “There is always an exception”

There is no limit, no ceiling to the personalities, backgrounds, or motivations which one can weave into their character’s story in this setting. From enlightened pacifist murderbugs, to scimitar wielding mathematicians, to mushroom man warriors turned fromagerie, sci-fi vikings, mafioso merfolk, and an empire populated entirely by the most beautiful being in the universe: m-Horatio I mean...

So links are down below:

How will your legend end? To glory? To DOOM? Not at all? More likely a messy, convoluted, and entertaining blend of all three


The following work is a fan adaptation of Amplitude Studios' Endless Legend rules and setting. All characters, places, names, art, and elements referenced, mentioned, or used within are properties of their respective copyright holders. Amplitude, Sega, and the respective artists, writers, original creators, entities and/or copyright holders are in no way affiliated with or responsible for the following fan work.

"This setting conversion ruleset uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy (paizo.com/communityuse). The creator is expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This setting conversion ruleset is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit paizo.com."

An important thing I want to clarify before posting is that there is a lot of writing, art, and other elements from the Endless games that I directly inserted in and amongst the documents linked below. This has been as much for my own reference and inspiration as it has been a result of the project being unfinished. It is absolutely not my intention to portray others' work as my own, but I don't think I will have the time to sift through and reformat everything like I originally envisioned.

Project Hyperlinks

READ ME: An important thing I want to clarify before posting is that there is a lot of writing, art, and other elements from the Endless games that I directly inserted in and amongst the documents linked below. This has been as much for my own reference and inspiration as it has been a result of the project being unfinished. It is absolutely not my intention to portray others' work as my own, but I don't think I will have the time to sift through and reformat everything like I originally envisioned.




I actually found a doc where I counted and organized the pages... so basically there's quite a bit I haven't posted, but I'm having a lot of fun finally sharing this stuff so as long as I am of the impression that it's within community guidelines I think I'll keep updating this post and maybe reformatting some others into their own.

  • Endless Paths ; Main folder to all the others

  • Background

    • Thought Process, Conceptualization, Lore Interpretation, Fan Fiction, Science Behind the Concepts

    • Pages 12, 4, 6, 2, 3, 13, 9, 3, 4, 10, 1, 1, 7

  • Combat

    • Abstractions, House Rules, New Mechanics

    • Pages 3, 3, 4

  • Compendium

    • Creature Stat Blocks, Quests, NPC’s, Concept Application

    • Pages 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5

  • Dungeons

    • Brainstorming, Generic Features, New Mechanics

    • 1, 6, 4, 9

  • Environment

    • Hazards, House Rules, World Generation, World Evolution, Travel

    • 11, 3, 4

  • Equipment

    • EL to Tabletop RPG Equipment Conversion, Weapons, Armor, Trinkets

    • 3, 10, 3, 2, 17, 1

  • Factions

    • Major Faction Races, Minor Faction Races, Faction Traits, Dust Eclipse Traits, Faction Mechanics, Race Advancement

    • 5, 8, 5, 1, 3, 7, 7, 4, 8

    • Major Faction 10, 6, 5, 7, 6, 7, 5, 6, 8, 5, 13, 8, 8, 7

    • Minor Faction 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 4, 4

  • Notebook Scans ; Extremely incomplete

    • Pages 7, 40, 25, 82

  • Releases ; Redacted due to incompletion

    • Planned Release Timeline, Upcoming Content, Philosophy, Fluff

    • 2, 1, 3, 1, 7, 10, 2, 7

  • Resources

    • FIDSI, Luxury Resources, Strategic Resources, Pearls

    • 3, 1, 5, 1,

  • Universal

    • General TTRPG Thoughts, Resources, Original Content

    • 2, 19, 3, 1 

Endless Paths Project Selections

READ ME(Again): An important thing I want to clarify before posting is that there is a lot of writing, art, and other elements from the Endless games that I directly inserted in and amongst the documents linked below. This has been as much for my own reference and inspiration as it has been a result of the project being unfinished. It is absolutely not my intention to portray others' work as my own, but I don't think I will have the time to sift through and reformat everything like I originally envisioned.

Endless Legend Military Unit to TTRPG Stats Conversion

*If a certain special sound effect played in your head after seeing the notifications in the bottom right, we'd get along great*




Paper Miniatures and Photobashes

*past me did not realize it would have been a lot faster to just learn how to paint the hydra rather than cobbling "that" together with about 57 different layers*




Vectorizing a Large-Resolution Mykara Faction Symbol

*a lot of the icons, symbols, and art that I wanted to isolate weren't quite the resolution I wanted so there was a lot of reverse-engineering that led to some interesting realizations*





*these are from before I switched my major from engineering to art, but I still wanted to share them*

Thank You

I also want to say THANK YOU to the team over at Amplitude. I love you guys and what you're doing, Endless Legend was and remains a huge influence on me. Among all of my other sources of inspiration, the Endless universe consistently stands out as a constant source of excitement and creative fuel!

I also want to shout out thanks to some members of the community: Morlugon and Gnoandan for their own fan work and time which majorly helped out; unfinished though the project may be.

Since I didn't meet my deadline this January... Happy 10th Anniversary, Amplitude :)

Updated 3 years ago.
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