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"Battle gets stuck"

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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 5:07:01 PM
Pikout asked me on Steam forum to come here, so here I am!

I'll join a save of my game: Drakken - Turn 244.zip

When you load the game, there's a battle right away (I'm being attacked on a city), a few centaurs against 2 militias...

First time, when I selected "Offensive" and "Manual" (==> directly "Ready to fight"), I moved my militias, attacked and one unit got stuck during the 1st or 2nd round.

Second and third time, I just clicked "Ready to fight" and "Ready" and then I got:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.


Amplitude.Utilities.Maps.GridMap`1[System.Single].GetValue (Int32 row, Int32 column)

WorldPositionExtension.GetValue[Single] (Amplitude.Utilities.Maps.GridMap`1 map, WorldPosition worldPosition)

AILayer_Encounter.UpdateSpellScoringGrid (.AIEncounterSpellAffinityDefinition spellAffinityDefinition, .EncounterUnit encounterUnit)

AILayer_Encounter.AnalyseContenders (.Encounter encounter, .FeedbackMessage_Battle& battleFeedback, Boolean analyseContenders, Boolean fillSpellScoringGrids)

AILayer_Encounter.ChooseAndApplyStrategy (.Encounter encounter, .Contender contender)

AILayer_Encounter.Encounter_TargetingPhaseUpdate (System.Object sender, .TargetingPhaseStartEventArgs e)

Encounter.OnTargetingPhaseUpdate (.TargetingPhaseStartEventArgs e)

Encounter.ForwardTargetingPhaseUpdate (.RoundReport roundReport, Double endTime)

GameClient+c__Iterator464.MoveNext ()

Amplitude.Coroutine.Run ()

GameClient.ProcessOrders ()

GameInterface.UpdateMessageBoxAndProcessOrders ()

GameClient.UpdateMessageBoxAndProcessOrders ()

Session.Update ()

Amplitude.Unity.Session.SessionManager.LateUpdate ()


V1.0.0 S3 (64-bit)

And then nothing good happens...

Thank you for your concern and please bring back the battles smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 10:11:18 AM
Thanks a lot to you both for adding the saves.

It is reported in our database of bug and we will investigate on this peculiar issue.

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