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Wild walkers - last quest and Wonder victory is unachievable

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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 12:57:05 PM
I can equip. An item for the quest hero, so my quest is stuck. By equip I mean that the item isn't even present.
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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 1:16:57 PM
Hello there,

I can understand the confusion here...

There is indeed a victory condition which is named "Wonder victory" and asks that you build the "Temple of Earth's Core".

But the Wonder you can read about in the Wild Walkers quest is the one linked to the story named the "Arcane Repository of Zaltana".

It is given as a reward in the previous chapter (number 7).

Thanks for pointing that out. We will see what we can do to clarify all this.

@Nasarog: I will need a lot more info here: which quest? Which chapter? Which item?
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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 3:59:37 PM
Pikou wrote:

@Nasarog: I will need a lot more info here: which quest? Which chapter? Which item?

Here you go...

Quest #7- THe Keystone. Assign your hero, Zaltana to a city and make sure he has "The Arc of the Builder". I don't know what that is.. I looked in my weapons, armors, and trinkets inventory and I have no such item.

By the way, I got stuck on quest #7 with my Roving Clans main quest too. My Ardent Mage hero w/item equipped couldn't enter the ruin to explore it.
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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 10:01:26 PM
It's a quest bow, you had to receive it previous quest. I received it and accomplished this quest.
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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 9:59:08 AM
It is a bow indeed and it should be available in your weapon list but maybe through the tab "missing resource".

Could you double check?

Otherwise a save will be very helpful.

Same for the Quest 7 Roving Clans. Do you have a save you could upload by any chance? Small question though, when you try to explore the ruins with your hero do you have some kind of message (in a banner) telling you that you don't meet the requirements?

Thanks again for all the reports!

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10 years ago
Sep 23, 2014, 12:36:56 PM
Pikou wrote:
It is a bow indeed and it should be available in your weapon list but maybe through the tab "missing resource".

Could you double check?

Otherwise a save will be very helpful.

Same for the Quest 7 Roving Clans. Do you have a save you could upload by any chance? Small question though, when you try to explore the ruins with your hero do you have some kind of message (in a banner) telling you that you don't meet the requirements?

Thanks again for all the reports!


Yup? yup... YUP!!! That did it. Okay, I do not have a save anymore for the Roving Clans quest, but I suspect you are correct. Just like with my comment on the lack of tool tips and explanations, can this also be added to quest items and such. It would make life much easier.

Thanks for the help.
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