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Endless game-pace penalizes production bonuses

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10 years ago
Oct 11, 2014, 11:06:29 PM
Hi all,

Currently am playing Normal difficulty, Endless game pace. My Empire Plan was supposed to reduce building costs by 33% but penalized them instead!! Which was weird, because they are already higher on endless game pace. I thought that the Empire plan system was the problem, so I reloaded a previous turn and played without it. However, I leveled up a hero that had "Behemoth Tamer" and the same problem happened AGAIN but in his city only.

Edit: oh, someone already made a thread...


This thread says that the bug was patched, but I DIDN'T get that patch! How do I patch my game?!
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10 years ago
Oct 12, 2014, 11:43:08 PM
IonDragonX wrote:

Edit: oh, someone already made a thread...


This thread says that the bug was patched, but I DIDN'T get that patch! How do I patch my game?!

The thread mentions it WILL BE in the upcoming patch. The patch was announced as "impending" several days back...but has not been released yet.
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