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Impossible to complete quests

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10 years ago
Oct 16, 2014, 12:17:08 AM
In Searching the many, many Ruins on the map, I find that I keep on getting quests that are literally impossible to complete. For example, "Make peace , not war" requires the player to make peace with another empire within 15 turns. However, in order to be able propose peace to another empire, the player must already have researched Diplomat's Manse, which is a 2nd Era tech. Further, you can't start researching a 2nd Era tech until at least 9 1st Era techs have already been researched. The net effect is that it won't even be remotely possible to propose Peace to another empire for at least 100 turns. [BTW,thisisontheEndlessgamedurationsetting.] So why does the AI waste one of my Ruins by throwing "Make peace, not war" at me at @ turn 50? Or for another example, "A Princely Gift" requires the player to declare war on another empire. Unfortunately, like the Roving Clans, my Custom race isn't allowed to declare war. (It's bad for business.) Or as I have pointed out in another thread, every time I get "Lust For Loot", the final destination leads to a Ruin inside an empire that has closed its borders to me.

Attaching these quests to Ruins (or Minor Faction villages) means that whenever I get one, it's almost as bad as "You have found nothing." That is, a complete waste of my time, my units' movement to get to those Ruins, etc. I recognize that for the most part, the quests assigned are random selections. But just a couple lines of code would make it so the AI ascertains which quests the player could NOT complete, and then NOT select any of those quests. I would rather get a "You found nothing" result than being assigned a quest that it is impossible for me to complete.
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10 years ago
Oct 16, 2014, 1:26:25 PM
CaptainPatch wrote:
In Searching the many, many Ruins on the map, I find that I keep on getting quests that are literally impossible to complete. For example, "Make peace , not war" requires the player to make peace with another empire within 15 turns. However, in order to be able propose peace to another empire, the player must already have researched Diplomat's Manse, which is a 2nd Era tech. Further, you can't start researching a 2nd Era tech until at least 9 1st Era techs have already been researched. The net effect is that it won't even be remotely possible to propose Peace to another empire for at least 100 turns. [BTW,thisisontheEndlessgamedurationsetting.] So why does the AI waste one of my Ruins by throwing "Make peace, not war" at me at @ turn 50? Or for another example, "A Princely Gift" requires the player to declare war on another empire. Unfortunately, like the Roving Clans, my Custom race isn't allowed to declare war. (It's bad for business.) Or as I have pointed out in another thread, every time I get "Lust For Loot", the final destination leads to a Ruin inside an empire that has closed its borders to me.

Attaching these quests to Ruins (or Minor Faction villages) means that whenever I get one, it's almost as bad as "You have found nothing." That is, a complete waste of my time, my units' movement to get to those Ruins, etc. I recognize that for the most part, the quests assigned are random selections. But just a couple lines of code would make it so the AI ascertains which quests the player could NOT complete, and then NOT select any of those quests. I would rather get a "You found nothing" result than being assigned a quest that it is impossible for me to complete.

I agree with the cases where you can't complete an objective like the early game "Get to this ruin in 5 turns" with the ruin halfway across the map (or on another island in era 1). Same thing with the declare war when you're playing with the Roving clan trait.

However, your example of lust for loot sending you to a ruin inside an enemy zone who has closed borders to you is not a good example. It has a solution: "Ensure you get Open Borders with that faction".

I do believe in some cases quests are already aligned to ensure you're within range. For example, I have never received the quest "Reach tech era 2 within 10 turns" without me actually being 1-2 techs away from era 2. So I imagine things like the "make peace not war" might just need to be fine tuned a bit. I've received that quest when I was still fairly far away from era 2. In that game I do believe I was disadvantaged in terms of research though so that might have played a factor. Perhaps balancing that quest trigger might be required so that it's closer to research range.
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