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Bug with "Endless Recycling" technology?

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10 years ago
Oct 1, 2014, 5:18:28 AM

I'm noticing what appears to be strange, if not confusing behavior regarding the City Improvement named "Endless Recycling".

For whatever reason, whenever I build it in any city, it never shows up in the list of that city's improvements. It also seems that because of this, I can keep building it, damn near every turn if my production is high enough and i have enough titanium. It this the intent? How does it work?

I have 2 thoughts about that. Perhaps a Dev can comment on which one it is, or perhaps a tertiary intent.

A) Each time i build it do I get a 1 turn science boost based on how many district level 2's i have in the city that built it?

I would more likely expect the intent is

B) for it to give me +4 science points per turn for each district level 2 and city center level 2 I have in my city.

Any dev wish to comment? Seems kind of a broken technology and worthless city improvement.


After writing this, then returning to my Broken Lords game, I am now noticing the "Endless Recycling" improvement listed TWICE in my city improvements list.

Edit (the sequel):

A bit more mucking around and now it's listed 10 times, it seems each time I build it, it's adding a persisting +4 science * number of level 2 districts.

Well, recycling is where it's at these days right? Truly endless "endless recycling". Whodathunkit?
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10 years ago
Oct 2, 2014, 8:02:42 AM

First question: how did you end up with Endless Recycling techno with the Broken Lords?

This a Vaulter only technology.

If you are playing with a custom faction could you please upload your save to allow us to investigate?

Because with the Vaulters it works as intended (see screenshot below).

Thanks for the report.
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10 years ago
Oct 17, 2014, 2:49:29 PM
I have found the same bug - I made a custom faction based on Cultists with the technology, and I have been building the improvement many, many times on my city in the save game I have uploaded. Kind of amusing, but I figure it probably isn't intended.

Edit: This savegame is from patch 1.0.2 S3
Recyclers Endgame - Turn 190.zip
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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 8:37:12 AM

Thanks a lot for the save. I was able to see the origin of the problem.

It should be fixed in next patch.
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