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Endless first meet screens

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10 years ago
Oct 16, 2014, 10:06:39 PM
I am currently experiencing a bug where the Red AI player keeps meeting me. I can partially view him through a vision and map exchange. Every game I will get about 18 popups.


Every time my unit moves it will generate about 2-3 popups per tile moved.

Quitting the game:


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


Amplitude.Interop.Steamworks+SteamMatchMaking.SetLobbyGameServer (Amplitude.Interop.SteamID steamIDLobby, UInt32 unGameServerIP, UInt16 unGameServerPort, Amplitude.Interop.SteamID steamIDGameServer)

GameServer.Disconnect ()

GameServer.Dispose (Boolean disposing)

GameInterface.Dispose ()

Session.Dispose (Boolean disposing)

Amplitude.Unity.Session.Session.Dispose ()

Amplitude.Unity.Session.SessionManager.ReleaseSession ()

RuntimeState_Lobby.End (Boolean abort)

Amplitude.Unity.Framework.FiniteStateMachine.Update ()

Amplitude.Unity.Runtime.RuntimeManager.Update ()


V1.0.7 S3 (64-bit)

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10 years ago
Oct 20, 2014, 8:42:46 AM

By any chance do you have a save where we can reproduce the problem?

It is always easier for us to understand and fix the issue if we have a save.

Thanks a lot in advance.
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