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Clans - Market Ban Bugs & Problems & Propositions (if usefull)

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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 4:39:54 AM
- When you are market ban, you can unban you with the influence cost (prohbitive at the beginning, but acceptable in middle-late game). But if you are banned (or unbanned then rebanned) whereas you are still into the mercenary/hero etc. screen, you have full access to the objets of the market.

- When you exterminate the faction, if you are banned from market, you became definitively banned : you are not naturally unbanned, and you cannot access to the diplomatic screen of the player killed.

- Market ban is an excellent idea but it does not feat well for now. Not logical that Clans could "ban" acess to free heros, for exemple. Moreover, banning from a market is not well suited for their culture I think.

I think the market ban should be a market surtaxe, as +100 % of buy price increase for 10 turns (then a period of +50% "only" of 10 turns, then alternate).

- The market knowledge of Clans should give too stratégic informations. As : when units are solved, clans gain vision of one turn of the city of the region where the units have been solved (usefull to give informations).

The market knowledge could too give informations about mercenaries : who bought them, and in which city ? (crucial information).
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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 5:25:40 PM
Agree that if you eliminate the player that banned you, the Market Ban should be removed. Other than that, don't mess with Market Ban, its a great feature as is.
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10 years ago
Nov 23, 2014, 12:08:54 PM
It is not, at least for two reasons :

- Players can make "war" each other, in real time during games, to ban/unban.

- Cost is nearly zero for the banner, who can ban everyone, removing access to heros (and I think everybody should could at least keep acess to heros).
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10 years ago
Nov 23, 2014, 2:51:37 PM
So? these "wars" can happen with any diplomatic term. Its not unique to Market Ban.

And if the cost is wrong, fix the cost...
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10 years ago
Nov 23, 2014, 3:39:02 PM
It is unique to the market ban because you cannot do that with peace/war and there is no interest to do that. Moreover, the cost would become prohibite.

I think you got not much experience in competitive MP you would not say it's not unique if you have experience.

I propose ideas when they come to me. And I think giving these information bonus would be easy and interesting. People (developpers) do what they want with these ideas.
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