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Conversion & Slavery/Cull the Herd

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10 years ago
Oct 22, 2014, 7:53:42 PM

Something is amiss with the way Conversion makes the villages behave in relation to other abilities.

I was playing the standard Cultist empire with a Necrophage governor (Slavery ability).

I managed to pacify the village of my starting region, and Slavery was giving me the bonus 1 Food & Industry per Population.

Later on I converted the village and I lost my slavery bonus. (The village didn't behave as a pacified village - the Hut Icon).

The tooltip of Conversion states that it gives all the advantages of Pacified villages, no matter their location. That is not the case.

This inconsistency can also be observed with the Cull the Herd trait (2 Food per Population).


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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 11:59:58 AM
Hello there,

Very sorry for the late answer.

Do you happen to still have the save? It will be very helpful, even if I will try to reproduce the issue on my side.

Thanks a lot in advance.
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10 years ago
Nov 15, 2014, 8:26:21 PM

Sorry for the late answer too. Here`s a save fire that you can use to observe the issue.

It also occurs when playing a custom cultist faction with the Cull the Herd trait.

Attachment: Cultist_Conversion_Slavery.zip

Steps to reproduce:

  • Observe the bonus to Food & Industry from Slavery in the city.
  • Convert the pacified village with the Cultist hero, north east of the city.
  • Observe the bonus to Food & Industry. (It got reduced)

  • [/LIST]


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    10 years ago
    Nov 17, 2014, 5:10:23 PM

    We've been able to easily reproduce the problem on our side for the slavery capacity.

    What is quite tricky is that pacified state and converted state are a bit different (in general I mean).

    Converted villages are taken into account from each part of the map. In case you make a custom faction that has conversion and can make multiple cities it can be too much powerful (especially with the faction trait, having a global bonus from all converted villages in each cities). At least the capacity implies to have the correct hero...

    We will see what we can do to be more precise in tooltips or add some limitations.

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    10 years ago
    Nov 24, 2014, 11:41:26 AM

    I'll just put in my two pennies worth here.

    The behavior I would expect from Conversion if taken into a faction that can have multiple cities is that the villages behave like normal pacified villages, plus the FIDSI, resources and troops.

    As in: each region only benefit from their own converted villages. Conversion is still powerful, but not overwhelmingly so, when you can have multiple cities.

    If there are converted villages that are outside owned regions, I would expect them to give their bonuses to the nearest owned region, minus the village count (to balance Slavery & Cull the herd).

    If taken by a faction with a single city (permanently), I would expect all converted villages to gives full bonuses to the capital, including village count. That scenario could lead to high Food and Production per Population. But then there's only 1 city.


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    10 years ago
    Nov 25, 2014, 9:54:13 AM

    That seems a very good point.

    I will forward your answer to the designers.

    However I'm not sure it will be very easy to integrate. Some code will be required.

    Cannot promise anything about the priority of this fix then...

    But anyway thanks a lot for adding your feedback!
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