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Village pacified - Quest impossible

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9 years ago
Nov 21, 2015, 11:04:28 PM
First i got a quest from minor faction Dorgeshis (in Vanoran) to pacify them by Empire Plan (you know that quest).

Then i got a quest from Silicates (Wallhalla) to destroy a village from Dorgeshis (Vanoran) to rescue some of their people.

Problem is, after pacifying Dorgeshis it's no more possible to destroy the village... I'm Vaulters.

Could you fix that (for future) and in save file for now ?

Here's the savegame... Vaulters - Zug 58.zip

P.S. Would be useful, if it's still possible to destroy pacified villages and/or to autocancel quests that won't work no more...
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