I first noticed it when focusing trying to save gold to purchase something- when i advanced the turn the gold added wasn't what i expected. So i started paying attention, and the gold that i was projected to get every turn fluctuated like crazy (+508 -> +436 -> +333 -> +454 -> +319). It also only added up correctly about 1/2 of the time.....

- My empire is in rebellion the whole time (fluctuation not caused by unhappiness).

- The season is summer the whole time (fluctuation not caused by winter).

- I don't have any gold based empire plan (fluctuation not caused by plan).

- I don't have any boosters activated (fluctuation not caused by boosters).

- All my workers are on food/industry (fluctuation not caused by workers).

-Screenshot 1: Turn 139 (454 GPT, 2210 stock)

-Screenshot 2: Turn 140 (319 GPT, 2664 stock)

For reference both show 662 Gold income, -110 on military, and -98 from hero. (662-110-98=454). This causes the next issue. When i advance the turn, i expect 319 increase, but instead i get an increase of 455.

-Screenshot 3: Turn 141 (345 GPT, 3119 stock)

So the issue is only a display issue. GPT isnt actually fluctuating, only the displayed amount.

How to repeat issue:

-Loading the game fixes the incorrect displayed amount most of the time, so you need to load the game and advance 2-4 turns and the issue should repeat.