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AI doesn't research/use it's fraction units in any multiplayer games

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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 12:09:36 PM

First I want to say that I enjoy game very much and love playing it, but there is one thought that is worrying me around.


I have played with my friends games with AI and what I noticed is that AI doesn't research it's fraction units. Broken lords don't use Ryder or Dust Bishop, Wild Walkers don't use Agache Shaman or Tenei Walker and that with all fractions that AI control. AI just assimilate two minor fractions and that it. Of course he give them good weapons, armor etc but AI use only basic empire unit and 2 assimilated in his army composition. I have some saves in different period of the game. Some are in the middle and some are just before game ends. It is strange that ai does not make other major fraction units through entire game. You can check save game that I add to this post.

I'd played mostly multiplayer games because I want to enjoy game with my friends, so I don't know if this situation occur in single player.

Please someone tell me why this situation occur.

Game type Friends-Only Multi. - AI - HARD

PS. I didn't found if similar topic is started.
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