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Bug? Riches of Auriga Cultist faction quest

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9 years ago
Jan 9, 2016, 9:26:01 PM

first of all thanks for this amazing game. I picked it up recently and can't stop playing.

Second, I've run into a problem when playing as cultists and I was wondering whether this is a bug or working as intended:

On the "Riches of Aurigo" quest (research 10 EraIII technologies), I have completed 10 technologies, but the quest will not complete (see screenshot). After saving and continuing a few turns, it turned out that I had to complete an 11th technology to complete the quest. Might this be because I also completed the "Leader of Leaders" legendary deed, and received "Intelligence Corps" as a technology from it, and this technology does not count towards the "Riches of Auriga" counter? If so, it might help if this could be clarified in-game. The "Riches of Auriga" quest does state "research 10 technologies", so it might be working as intended, but after 20+ turns (or more) in Era3 I had long forgotten about getting that technology as reward rather than research.

Screenshot: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/355022821969717723/234129A30B6FFE0FF5309120321B13791EF34294/

I hope I'm making sense, English is not my first language :-)
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9 years ago
Jan 11, 2016, 2:37:40 PM
I can confirm the yellow technologies (coming from quests or deeds) don't count as progression.

It should be better explained though so we will see what we can do about it.

Thanks for pointing that out.
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