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Error Bug

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9 years ago
Jan 9, 2016, 12:56:02 AM
Text translated from Russian using the online Google translator.


When the computer is using teleportation between towns (it is a "mezari" such as the ability to "sacred life"), while the merger of the armies, he forgets to remove one of the army completely, it disappears from the map. but it remains in the task of merging armies.

The save file AI.xml it looks like the image below.

The original Russian text https://www.games2gether.com/endless-legend/forum/20-русскии/thread/5887-ошибка-баг-ai
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9 years ago
Jan 14, 2016, 1:32:22 PM
Hi there,

I'm not sure I understand the issue: the AI opponents shouldn't use the teleport ability at the moment - it's something that is on our improve list.
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9 years ago
Jan 15, 2016, 3:26:05 AM
I thought that the teleport is connected error. Since appearing faction "Mezari." But then it began to appear remarks and other factions.

The essence of the error, the army on the screenshot 4662, vanishes from the file, Game.xml

A file AI.xml remains as shown in the screenshot.

In the game, the Army 4663, stands on the site over the moves. When you save a file AL.xml remains on the screenshot.
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