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Neither Quest and Wonder victory seem to be working for me.

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9 years ago
Jan 28, 2016, 3:51:12 PM
Just finished the Temple Wonder, which should have triggered the Wonder victory. Didn't happen. Played on several more turns to no avail. In the same game, I was also set up for and finished the Quest victory about 10 turns before the Wonder victory (had a save game ready so I could have both achievements done today, or so I should have). It also did not happen. The spaceship blasted off, and then, the game simply kept going. No mods are installed. Oh and this is the second time now I should have had a quest victory (had the rocket blast off a few days ago, but I had a color mod installed at that time, not knowing of the conflict at that time).
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9 years ago
Jan 28, 2016, 3:56:01 PM
Are you sure these victory conditions are enabled when you created the map?
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