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Every single crash from a single game

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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 2:56:42 AM
Hi Lt. Miles,

Okay, this is a Broken Lords game.

I am going to document every single crash I encounter in this one game in this one thread. Each time I do, I will post a cut/paste of the error report and attach a save game and whatever else you want.

I'm using

First of all, it's slow, as in really slow for turn 35. Prior to 1.07/8 patches I could achieve the same turn (in game as in reach turn 35) in half the time it took me now. Not sure what I can do there.

I was reloading a game after I had closed the lid on my laptop and when I opened it again, it was frozen. So I was reloading it from the last autosave prior to that. I then immediately enter into a battle that I had already fought, when I tried to exit the battle to see if I had another save, this happened.

I'm using a Macbook pro 13.3" w/2.9 ghz intel core i7 processor w/ 8gb 1600mhz ddr3 ram w/Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB running osx 10.9.5 with a resolution of 1280x800.

My game version - V1.0.8 S3 (32-bit)

Here's the first crash

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


WorldBattleUnit.ReceiveHit (.HitInformation hitInformation)

WorldBattleUnit+HitInformation.ApplyHit (.WorldBattleUnit launcher)

WorldBattleUnit.ApplyHitInformationGivenByApplicationMethod (BattleEffectRealizationApplicationMethod applicationMethod)

WorldBattleUnit.OnAttackEnd ()

WorldBattleUnitState_Attack.End (Boolean abort)

Amplitude.Unity.Framework.FiniteStateMachine.Abort ()

Amplitude.Unity.Framework.FiniteStateMachine.Clear ()

WorldBattleUnit.Release ()

AlterableBehavior.OnDestroy ()

UnityEngine.Objectsmiley: biggrinestroyImmediate(Object)






Amplitude.Unity.View.View:GameService_GameChange(Object, GameChangeEventArgs)




GameClientsmiley: biggrinispose(Boolean)

GameInterfacesmiley: biggrinispose()

Sessionsmiley: biggrinispose(Boolean)

Amplitude.Unity.Session.Sessionsmiley: biggrinispose()






V1.0.8 S3 (32-bit)

Diagnostics #1

Okay, how do I link these?

Diagnostics #2

Okay, how do I link these?

I tried to get the player log, and this is what it gave me: Nasarog$ ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log Mandatory

-bash: /Users/Nasarog/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log: Permission denied

Is there anything else I can give you?
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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 3:14:39 AM
To link them go to edit post> advanced > attach files (paper clip icon)> add files (I put them on the desktop to make the navigation easier.

I assume that's what you mean by 'link'
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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 11:10:57 AM
T41 wrote:
To link them go to edit post> advanced > attach files (paper clip icon)> add files (I put them on the desktop to make the navigation easier.

I assume that's what you mean by 'link'
It is, but I must be dumb or something, it won't let me link the diagnostics file.
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10 years ago
Oct 19, 2014, 3:58:56 PM
Yay, new crash in the same game

ArgumentException: worldPosition (6,-1)


WorldPositionExtension.SetValue[Single] (Amplitude.Utilities.Maps.GridMap`1 map, WorldPosition worldPosition, Single value)

AIParameterGridRule_ReinforcementPoints.FillGrid (Byte group)

AIParameterGridRule.Reset (Byte battleContenderGroup)

BattleZoneAnalysis.Propagate (Byte group, PathfindingMovementCapacity capacity, PropagationTimeEnum propagationTime, .PathfindingWorldContext worldContext)

BattleZoneAnalysis.ResetGroup (Byte group)

BattleSimulation.ResetBattleZone ()

BattleSimulation.InitRound ()

BattleSimulation.DoTargetingPhase ()

BattleController+c__Iterator1E3.MoveNext ()

Amplitude.Coroutine.Run ()

BattleController.Update ()

BattleEncounter.Update ()

GameServerState_Turn_Main.UpdateEncounters ()

GameServerState_Turn_Main.Run ()

Amplitude.Unity.Framework.FiniteStateMachine.Update ()

GameInterface.Update ()

GameServer.Update ()

Session.Update ()

Amplitude.Unity.Session.SessionManager.LateUpdate ()


V1.0.8 S3 (32-bit)

if I'm shown how to attach the diagnostics file, I will gladly do it. I can't even find the diagnostics file affiliated with this latest crash.

But I think I found an autosave from the turn before the crash. I'm attaching it here (thanks Nos).
AutoSave 2205.zip
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