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How do I get privateers?

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10 years ago
Sep 20, 2014, 10:39:49 PM
So I was playing a custom faction based on Broken Lords and I decided to research the Privateers technology in Era 5.

But.. how do I make the privateer army? I don't see any specific option or button on the interface...

Is the privateer function only available to the Roving Clans? tbh, I've never tried the Roving Clans before so I can't be sure.

But even if it was for Roving Clans ONLY, it means that the tech itself should not have appeared for me in the first place, correct?

Could this be a bug? I'm confused smiley: confused

EDIT: Oh nevermind guys, I found out how to do it!

Apparently, first you select an army you already have. Then you click on the button that says "PRIVATEERS" in the army "action" window at the bottom. All's well that ends well I suppose... smiley: kitty
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10 years ago
Sep 20, 2014, 11:32:20 PM
The units also need to be from non-faction units - Only way you can effectively hide their allegiance. smiley: redface
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10 years ago
Sep 21, 2014, 1:00:37 AM
Actually you can turn privateers units bought from the marketplace only. So it doesn't work from minor faction units you produced yourself (available with assimilation) but it works with major faction units bought from the marketplace.
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10 years ago
Sep 21, 2014, 8:25:25 AM
You're kidding right? Aw man... Wait - How do you tell the two apart visually if you have Marketplace bought and assimilation recruited units of the same unit? (Say you were to merge them into an army at some point)

I'm not I like that particularly much - it makes them very rare. In my Roving Clans game there's only Orcs up for sale and at a whopping 1.6k a piece at level 4. That's more than 9K for a full army of units, anyone can legally attack - in my territory at that.

(Provided I could get any at all - I was lucky to manage a 4 Orc army eventually only by keeping a careful eye on the marketplace over the course of many, many turns - Had I lost those units I would have started over at that point since I have -no- way of competing with factions who won't fight me)
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10 years ago
Sep 21, 2014, 8:45:57 AM
Yup, I had so much Dust in the bank that I ended buying 8 mercenary units each worth 1,9k. Shoved them all into one army and sent them to complete a faction quest to destroy a city. I had to do it cuz I picked the "Make Trade not War" trait so I couldn't declare war. Plus it was a very far away city with low population so I did not need it anyway.

But Mansen is right, is there a way to tell mercenary units from regular units in case they get mixed up... or do I have to memorize them?
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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 9:26:27 PM
I'm playing Roving Clans. I have the tech researched, and made sure to purchase non-faction units out of the Marketplace, but still don't see a button or an order or anything to turn them into Privateers (I have a faction quest to capture or destroy a particular city). I'm getting a little frustrated.

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10 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 9:40:28 PM
tgb wrote:
I'm playing Roving Clans. I have the tech researched, and made sure to purchase non-faction units out of the Marketplace, but still don't see a button or an order or anything to turn them into Privateers (I have a faction quest to capture or destroy a particular city). I'm getting a little frustrated.


Look to the left of the army list/portraits. There's a bunch of icons (Like the one for settling a city or garrisoning). That's where you find the option (provided you're not in a town tile)
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