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The Art of Endless Legend

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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 4:02:19 PM
Here's a little question for the devs that I've been pondering for a while.

I have noticed that items of certain materials appear more often in the artwork of certain factions. Was it originally intended that factions would have certain prefered materials, either in gameplay or in lore?

To clarify what I mean, here some examples of what I noticed:

Titanium - Vaulters The crossbows and shields in their artwork are unmistakeable.

Palladian - Broken Lords The Stalwart is clearly wielding a Palladian shield in the unit icon, and the Dust Bishop seems to be wielding a Palladian scepter

Iron - Necrophages Less obvious, since the gear in their artwork is difficult to see clearly, but te shoddy nature of the gear would fit them.

Adamantian - Rovinc Clans The Adamantian shield carried a wheel (matching their faction symbol) or sun symbol (the latter of which is present in concept artwork https://www.artstation.com/artwork/factions-leaders ). Many Adamantian weapons are decorated with colorful ribbons like their cities and units, and some high-tier Adamantian Weapons seem to have used parts of giant insects in their construction (Tier 3 two-handed hammer, for example).

Mythrite - Wild Walkers The tier 1 shield looks like a few boards of rotten driftwood. I don't think I need to say much more.

Hyperium - Ardent Mages Some of the armor (e.g. Tier 1 boots) seem to incorporate barbed wire in their design. No other faction would design armor like that. The "weaver" structure on the shields also remind me of the harness worn by the Telsem Warlocks, and the bright blue glow matches the Enequa Wings.

Dust - Drakken I am not entirely sure about this connection. It is mostly based on the round shields wielded by the Drakkenlings in the loading screen artwork, which roughly matches the Dust shields, with the prevalence of golden ornaments on their cities and their reverence of the Endless possibly being connected.

Glassteel - The Forgotten This is the main reason why I didn't pose this question sooner. I could not figure out who would have a preference for Glasssteel. But between the wispy artwork of the Tier 3 gear, and the explicit mention of garottes in the description of the material, I'm fairly confident that it may have been meant for the Forgotten. (Note that while the Forgotten where only added now, their artwork did already feature in the Dust to Dust trailer https://youtu.be/r8eVlUemZF8?t=52 and references to their unit names have been in the game files since release.)

What about the Cultists? As a user designed faction, I'm afraid they would not get the "benefit" of a favored material.
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9 years ago
Sep 18, 2015, 6:23:28 PM
You're totally right, each set have been design with a certain faction in mind. And your list is correct !

The idea was to allow a huge variety of weapons and yet have the possibility to match a character with a weapon to get a more coherent visual.

(It doesn't work perfectly due to certain resources colors, like red metal for the Broken Lords instead of gold, but Dust was already taken by the Drakkens^^)

As you noticed, the Forgottens were in a very early stage at the time, I only had some concept arts and went for a mix of african/pirates weapons.

Finaly, when the Cultists arrives and temporary replace the Forgottens, the glassteel weapons had already been done in 3D and we were short in resources... So we keep them, hoping no one will notice that they match with no one smiley: sweat
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9 years ago
Sep 28, 2015, 11:31:15 PM
Tomatto wrote:
You're totally right, each set have been design with a certain faction in mind. And your list is correct !

The idea was to allow a huge variety of weapons and yet have the possibility to match a character with a weapon to get a more coherent visual.

(It doesn't work perfectly due to certain resources colors, like red metal for the Broken Lords instead of gold, but Dust was already taken by the Drakkens^^)

As you noticed, the Forgottens were in a very early stage at the time, I only had some concept arts and went for a mix of african/pirates weapons.

Finaly, when the Cultists arrives and temporary replace the Forgottens, the glassteel weapons had already been done in 3D and we were short in resources... So we keep them, hoping no one will notice that they match with no one smiley: sweat

I do love this idea! That's amazing, really. Too bad most of the "iconic" thems are Tier-1 weapons. smiley: smile

By the way, who designed drakkens and this art? I want better version, to make it my wallpaper...

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9 years ago
Sep 28, 2015, 11:37:54 PM


The Drakken are a beautifully designed faction, them and their cities.

Although I have a bit of confusion towards them, lore wise. It was my understanding that the "Ancients", who look more like traditional dragons as we see in the art, are the rulers of Drakken society. And yet, we have some Drakken heroes who look more humanoid, like the Drakken leader that appears in the game, whose descriptions state that they belong in the Council of Twelve, the ruling body of the Drakken.

So which is it? Do the elder Drakken act in a more advisory role while the more humanoid Drakken rule? Or do they eventually transform into the former when they grow older?
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9 years ago
Sep 29, 2015, 8:12:35 PM
KnightofPhoenix wrote:


The Drakken are a beautifully designed faction, them and their cities.

Although I have a bit of confusion towards them, lore wise. It was my understanding that the "Ancients", who look more like traditional dragons as we see in the art, are the rulers of Drakken society. And yet, we have some Drakken heroes who look more humanoid, like the Drakken leader that appears in the game, whose descriptions state that they belong in the Council of Twelve, the ruling body of the Drakken.

So which is it? Do the elder Drakken act in a more advisory role while the more humanoid Drakken rule? Or do they eventually transform into the former when they grow older?

My personal favorite is last idea. In DnD Dragons are aging very slow, so the the elder Dragons might be the very old Drakkens. I just like this idea, and I would be happy to see any clafification in next DLC/games.

By the way, KnightofPhoenix, where did you get hi-rez of this picture? I do want to know! I already know about this, this and this links, but I didn't find this art before. I even ripped most of the art from the game, but quest arts are fixed at 1024x512 pixels.

I would LOVE to see full gallery of EL arts in one place, in hi-rez...
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 12:14:13 AM
Hi there! I've been fan of all your work since the first version of Endless Space, you made me quite adicted to 4X games.

So... I know you are busy with the Endless Space 2 (finallay we'll see Endless! smiley: ohhOsmiley: smile, but wouldn't you have some Forgotten's artwork lying around? Care to share? lol lol It's just there's no info at all about them, no background nor lore of any kind and I want to know more about them.
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9 years ago
Dec 16, 2015, 6:11:08 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
We have posted some of the art for the Forgotten on their Wikia page:


We're still working on that Endless Legend artbook, promise...

Thanks! Will look into it.

Btw (offtopic), what's your opinion on fan's spinoffs? I see you like the fan's artwork, but I've been thinking on making a nonprofit spinoff about this universe, it's an still-in-development idea, but it would be something like a third person action game from the point of view of each basic unit, taking place in chapters, one for each faction, maybe even develop some of the already existing quests from a ground perspective. I thought of it as perfect way to extend some of the lore through a small story*. Where should I contact to keep this idea rolling? smiley: smile

*Edit: Brainfart. The sentence didn't even have sense.
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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 11:00:56 AM
I'll talk to the team and get back to you. smiley: science
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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 11:10:57 AM
Thanks! I only have some vage ideas right now, but it would be feasible. I love your universe.
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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 4:16:01 PM
Check your pm inbox.

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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 6:09:24 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Check your pm inbox.


Checked! Thanks for the quick response!
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9 years ago
Dec 26, 2015, 3:30:12 PM
Is it possible to get the animated background-picture that appears if i select my faction? For example the guy of The Forgotten with his bird on his shoulder..

i cant find a bik file or something like that.. i would like to use it as my desktop background smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 7:21:46 PM
Hey there, new user, been playing EL since 2014. Something that's been bugging me for a while: Is there any art for the Broken Lords before they became dust vampires? Should I assume they were human in appearance?

GreyZ0mbie wrote:
I do love this idea! That's amazing, really. Too bad most of the "iconic" thems are Tier-1 weapons. smiley: smile

By the way, who designed drakkens and this art? I want better version, to make it my wallpaper...

Who invited the Hurnas to the council meeting? :P
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