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Endless Legends short comic stories?

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4 years ago
May 16, 2021, 10:31:11 PM

With Es2 having its own faction based short stories, i was wondering, will we see the same for endless legend, being one of, if not the most fleshed out game in the franchise, will we see a short comic story for each faction as well? Say a story about Namkang and other 6 Drakken heroes, or a story about the allayi and their grudge against the drakken, maybe one between the vaulters and the forgotten?

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4 years ago
May 21, 2021, 1:24:34 AM

Probably not. While it's nice that they've still added content to it this game is 7 years old. Unless they're fan made I don't see AS putting that much work into it, unless it was for promoting a new Endless Legend.

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