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Bad preformance, low FPS and underutilization of PC components

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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 7:13:21 PM

I have been refereed by SEGA support to post here. I will therefore echo what I have said to them.

I start paying and I think I see stuttering and that unmistakable roughens of sub 60 FPS, but I taught I must be seeing things. After playing for about 150 turns I could deny my instinct no longer. I turn on RivaTuner and to my horror indeed, I'm just getting around 40 FPS. This is in the early game mind you. How could this be? I check my GPU and CPU usage. Only 30%. I was playing some single core games before so I taught maybe my first core it as 100% usage. I check, but also only 30%.

I tried all the usual fixes. Reducing my graphical quality. I didn't see how this could help because it was already under utilizing my components. That didn't help as expect. Maybe my drivers are out of date. I don't know how that can be since it's a game from 2014, but let's check just in case. Of course not. Maybe it's the community patch, improperly installed. I tried without the patch, reinstalling the game in the process. Still nothing. Maybe it was somehow the redistributables. Nope. Game overlay. Nope. Half refresh rate V-Sync? Nope.

I google around for benchmarks and find none. I google for other people having the same problem. Threads exists, but it always hard to pin down if we have the same problem. Especially if it's a thread from 7 years ago. I have also learned the my definition of good preformance is not the norm. Most people don't even know what FPS means. I have never seen this. That a game under utilizes my components, yet doesn't preform as expected. Is this how this game preforms or have I missed something?

Specs: Ryzen 5 3600; RTX 2060; Win 10.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 9, 2021, 10:23:53 PM

Likely its pathing issues. There are still several around that the devs have not fixed.

Try installing ELCP (Endless Legend Community Patch) and your issues are likely to go away. Start a new game after install. The patch also does a lot of other work like fixing bugs and making the AI competent as well as general improvements to the overall game. It is well worth it and I wouldn't play Endless Legend without it.

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3 years ago
Dec 10, 2021, 12:07:38 AM

@Slashman Like he said I mentioned that I have ELCP and that I have tried with and without it. This is bad performance early game. I'm talking turn 10 not turn 150.

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3 years ago
Dec 10, 2021, 12:52:57 AM
NaniByte wrote:

@Slashman Like he said I mentioned that I have ELCP and that I have tried with and without it. This is bad performance early game. I'm talking turn 10 not turn 150.

Ah sorry my bad. I missed where you said it and yeah...early game is not normal to have that kind of performance issues.

Perhaps it is the Ryzen CPU. I remember that early on each Amplitude game (EL and ES2) had issues with AMD components. Not the only game I have seen this happen with either. I think that Intel processors also perform better in X4 Foundations...despite that game using Vulkan.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 10, 2021, 1:48:48 PM

@Sublustris What performance do you have?

> It's a combo of "Unity meets Amplitude coders"

Are you saying that it's just like that then?

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 10, 2021, 9:24:54 PM

Well, I have 2070s, in end game with all map visible and occupied, at 1080p, Fantastic quality level, framerate uncapped - I have 65 to 75 FPS.

At 4K DSR it lovers to 60-65 FPS with occasional dips to 45 for a moment when moving camera, because engine handles resource streaming badly.

But early game (I've checked at turn 18) I have 125-150 FPS there.

And just like in your case, CPU is at 20-30% utilization (4 cores doing work with 30-70% utilization), those are mostly busy with AI threads.

GPU is under 10% utilization, VRAM under 25%.

So while it obviously doesn't handle available performance properly for me, it is still very playable, especially with vsync or frame cap.

Thing is, when I had 660Ti, I had almost 100% GPU utilization and noticeable heat output and fan noise. For no apparent reason, because visuals weren't stellar even by 2014 standards, while other properly demanding games, like MGS 5, left my GPU rather chill and quiet.

Peculiarly, I've noticed same unproportional load on any Unity 4.x game I've tried back then.

Endless Space 2 used Unity 5.x and it had much more expected performance workload and behavior, matching visuals.

NaniByte wrote:
Are you saying that it's just like that then?

I'm not surprised, knowing performance patterns I've seen myself. It's just that I doubt much can be done at this point, as game is not updated anymore.

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3 years ago
Dec 11, 2021, 10:53:32 PM

Isn't there a way to force performance mode on the nvidia panel?

I play on a notebook with a 1050 with Linux and it seems to work fine 

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