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Weird automatic combat where my units are moving and attacking on their own in stupid ways?

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 7:09:12 PM

Be honest, is this the gameplay of this game? i can't find online anywhere how to make the combat more like human kind where I choose each individual units movement and they immediately respond. instead it just shows red arrows pointing towards the enemy units and then they run around in some random dumb order blocking each other and having weaker units attack and blocking my strong units from attacking, is this really the gameplay mechanics of endless legend? If so I want my money back. i didn't buy a game just to watch a computer play it.

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 8:49:50 PM

I won't call you straight dumb for such hasty conslusion, but you are mistaken. Endless Legend doesn't have combat movement as direct as in Humankind, no. But it's not true you don't have control over units either.

Unlike Humankind, where units only have one major combat stat - Strengths, in Endless Legend you have three attributes to account for: Attack, Defense and Initiative. The latter is what governs order in which units execute their movement and attacks. Game gives you several means to increase your Initiative and decrease that of an enemy.

Before each round you give orders to your units: where to move (white arrow) and whom to attack (red arrow). You can also create move and attack queue order: first you specify which tile you want your unit to move to (white arrow), then you hold Alt key and right click on unit to attack (red arrow, target has to be in attack range). Or move and Support firendly unit (green arrow) in similar fasion. That is as direct control over unit behavior, as one can desire. BUT: only in ideal situation. I.e. when you have higher initiative to succefully execute that order that you planned, and you planned it perfectly.

In case unit can't execute planned order - destination tile is occupied by friend or foe, unit was stunned, path is blocked, target is out of range etc. - then unit falls back to one of three bahaviors that you select for it before playing that round. In case unit can't perform planned order it can either (1) attack nearest foe, (2) hold position and only retaliate, or (3) retreat - depending on selected behavior. This is why Initiative is important, it increases your chanes to perform orders as planned and not to fallback to backup behavior, potentially wasting action opportunity.

That makes EL combat to require a lot more micromanagement, then Humankind, but also requires a lot more proper planning, which makes it fun on its own, if you master it.

You can watch how it works here:

This mechanic may not be your cup of tea, but give it a try. At first try to give units "Hold position" fallback behavior, so that they wouldn't run around and confuse you. You'll know when to switch to other two behaviors, depending on if you want your units to be aggressive or to protect them from annihilation.

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 11:40:34 PM

to be honest i do like the fact that there's initiative but the fact that I don't control each unit on it's turn to see live what they're doing and then it just runs automatically based on a bunch of random arrows i don't like that, if it was like human kind where they perform the exact action I want during that specific units turn that would be nice, the fact that it's initiative is more balanced but I still want to see what my units do in real time. I don't like that I set up a whole bunch of moves and then the game runs a whole round by itself where my units start conflicting with what I want them to do. It really is like sitting there watching a computer play and It's un-enjoyable. I will get a refund and just post my gameplay ideas for humankind to the devs in hopes they combine the best of both games. It's really a shame that their combat mechanics are so good in humankind and well unplayable in endless legend... If they would simply just add an option to endless legend to have combat be controlled like humankind (even with the initiative order would be okay, that way a whole army of units can't kill 1 unit and gain an unfair advantage because they got to move first, i'd be fine with that.) I just really hate games where computers automate things and play for you. It's boring.

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2 years ago
Jan 22, 2023, 11:43:07 PM

Final Fantasy Tactics is a perfect example of Humankinds combat with Endless Legends initiative mechanic, it should be like that, and if they're worried fans who like this whole automatic computer movement then just make it an option i can change in settings. Also I really doubt the devs designed this game like this because it's flawed, after the entire enemy was killed my units were still running around automatically making "retreats" and moving to new spaces and the fight was over, that seems like amateur coding that some idiot just hacked my game and changed the way combat works to harass me and i highly doubt an amazing company like this would code their game to be that stupid.

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2 years ago
Jan 23, 2023, 7:52:25 AM

I have no more to say, then what I've already explained. Unit actions are not random, though not always predictable, nor are they governed by AI. Play better and they'll behave just like you want them to.

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2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 2:35:45 PM

I just watched that video, and that guy's units didn't even move to where he said they were going to. Also I didn't post my opinion for you to talk trash about me being "better" at a game an AI obviously controls. I get they were going for a cinematic real time fight you can watch break down but the fact is, if I want to attack a guy and he decides to run behind something, my units will just forfeit their attack? but if I just magically knew that unit would retreat, I could have chose to move my unit to a new angle and make the attack and it succeeds? Sounds like a breeding ground for cheaters who can see the moves you're making. Also that gives AI a HUGE advantage over you. It's just not enjoyable and I'm simply asking the devs (Because the entire game looks amazing and fun and I would love to play it.) To add Humankinds Battle system as an option and while they're at it, maybe even a hybrid where it's human kinds control system but where each unit moves individually (with their initiative) instead of the player getting to move and attack with each unit in their army first therefor giving a clear advantage over their opponent. 

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2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 2:42:25 PM
Sublustris wrote:

I have no more to say, then what I've already explained. Unit actions are not random, though not always predictable, nor are they governed by AI. Play better and they'll behave just like you want them to.

I have no more to say, than what I've already explained.... THEN WHAT IS THE REST OF THAT STUFF YOU TYPED AFTER THAT?!?! I think if you're less intelligent than me you shouldn't have the right to talk about getting "better" at anything. Also, unit-pathing, the characters on the screen, the sound effects, what the enemy is doing, is in fact governed by AI. Please stop talking about things you don't have a clue on and let me hear the opinion of someone else smart enough to recognize adding options to games are a good idea. Especially if it's increasing sales. You seem like the kind of guy who would make a video game and not let people change key-bindings because you want to force them to play exactly how YOU would enjoy playing. 

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2 years ago
Jan 24, 2023, 3:20:49 PM

I made an effort and spent time to try to explain how game works, your choice to listen to it or not. Personally, in over 500 hours played never felt out of control of the battle when initiaitive was mine.

And to answer your example of attacking guy: depends on initiative. If initiative is mine, I'll order a direct attack on enemy unit. If not, and I expect enemy unit to retreat, I'll order queue forward movement, and swtich unit to offensive stance to attack whoever will be in reach. And no, AI doesn't have an advantage, because it queues orders before round is played in a same manner as you do. It doesn't act reactionary during round, though when it plays good it may seem that way.

It's a 9 years old game, it's years no longer in development. Huge changes in core mechanics like that are almost certainly will not happen. Maybe Humankind-styled battles will be introduced in sequel.

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2 years ago
Feb 14, 2023, 1:04:04 PM
Sublustris wrote:

I made an effort and spent time to try to explain how game works, your choice to listen to it or not. Personally, in over 500 hours played never felt out of control of the battle when initiaitive was mine.

And to answer your example of attacking guy: depends on initiative. If initiative is mine, I'll order a direct attack on enemy unit. If not, and I expect enemy unit to retreat, I'll order queue forward movement, and swtich unit to offensive stance to attack whoever will be in reach. And no, AI doesn't have an advantage, because it queues orders before round is played in a same manner as you do. It doesn't act reactionary during round, though when it plays good it may seem that way.

It's a 9 years old game, it's years no longer in development. Huge changes in core mechanics like that are almost certainly will not happen. Maybe Humankind-styled battles will be introduced in sequel.

That was a good try Sublustris, you also did great staying patient I thought!


Endless Legend has the best combat in a 4X to me to date (I don't play every single game out there and I avoid anything with $100s of DLCs so I know I've missed some amazing combat, lol)

The combat is dense, it makes sense and is data driven by Initiative order, Attack & Defense counter, Damage % Bonuses on Unit Type Hit, Buffs and Debuffs and yes, 100% total control over giving Orders to your units each round of 6 rounds.

Auto battle is useless in EL, if you hate the combat and never want to learn it I suggest giving up EL now, not a good match.

Early battles are boring after you've fought them 1000 times but the late game huge battles of EL where you treat them like a chess board are amazing!

Hope you have some luck getting into it

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