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If we get an Endless Legend 2... Which factions would you want to include?

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a year ago
Dec 25, 2023, 4:44:59 PM

It is a relatively simple question:
Which factions would you want to see make a return in a theoretical Endless Legend 2? And which faction would you want to not make a return?
(Aka, faction you would remove to make place for another)
Can be any faction from the Endless universe, including Endless space.

Personally, I would love to see two factions in perticular

1: I would LOVE for the cultists to make a return.
Their hatred for the Endless, combined with their doll / porcelain look and their fanatical approach just hit all the right buttons for me.
Would LOVE to see the concept expanded and built up more. With Endless Space 2 levels of lore, cinematics, movements and so on.

2: I would actually want to have the Vaulters take a backseat this time. And rather than having the Vaulters be the main human faction.
Have the Pilgrims be the main human faction on this new game.
We rarely get to see them have any representation what so ever, since Endless space 1, and I would love to get to know them a bit better.

Regarding factions I would not want to see returning, for one reason or the other... I only have one.

I would personally want to avoid the Wild Walkers.
They are neat, with theit twilek tendrils and all of that but... I have to say, they are REALLY REALLY boring.
While I am sure a new game could expand on them and give them much needed detail and exploration, are they just... kinda meh? A concept that doesn't really go far enough in the interesting or unique.

What would you like to see?
What factions from either Endless space or Endless Legend would you love to make an appearance in a theoretical Endless Legend 2?

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a year ago
Jan 12, 2024, 4:34:08 PM
BatMart wrote:

the vaulters are in endless legends. and endless space 2.

I am aware of that?

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a year ago
Mar 21, 2024, 3:05:48 AM

Ultimately, I want different factions that fit many different playstyles, just like in the previous games. I actually like the Wild Walkers because they are a pretty straight forward faction for beginners and if you just want a quick, easy game. My favorite faction that I want to see in the next game is the Allayi. I actually just started playing with them, and they have quickly become my favorite faction. I like playing tall, and the Allayi work best using a tall play style. I haven't played as the Mykara yet, but the Unfallen in ES2 are one of my favorite factions, and the vine mechanic seems similar to the way the Mykara expand, so I would like to see a similar feature in the next game.

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8 months ago
Jun 30, 2024, 6:28:19 PM

It hard to say because we need to see what they do with it. If they are on a new planet in the endless universe lore, I almost would not expect to see any of the old factions returning.

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